28 February 2006
  ACN 007 871 892
ABN 22 007 871 892
  Level 11
  The Quadrant
  1 William Street
  Perth 6000
  Western Australia
  GPO Box W2017
  Perth, 6001
  Tel: 61 8 9426 3333
  Fax: 61 8 9426 3344
(102 pages in total)
The Announcements Officer
Australian Stock Exchange (Sydney) Limited
Level 10
20 Bond Street
  Electronically Lodged
Dear Sir
Please find attached Portman Limited’s Annual Report for 2005.
Yours faithfully
/s/ L. A. Kipfstuhl

L. Kipfstuhl



A.B.N. 22 007 871 892
Contents   Page
Corporate Directory
Chairman’s Report
Review of Operations
Corporate Governance Statement
Directors’ Report
Auditors’ Independence Declaration
Independent Audit Report
Directors’ Declaration
Income Statement
Balance Sheet
Statement of Changes in Equity
Cash Flow Statement
Notes to the Financial Statements
Shareholding Details



Level 11 The Quadrant
1 William Street
Perth Western Australia 6000
Telephone: 61 8 9426 3333
Facsimile: 61 8 9426 3344
Website: www.portman.com.au
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Woodside Plaza, Level 14
240 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Telephone: 61 8 9365 7000
Commonwealth Bank of Australia Limited
150 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000
Telephone: 61 8 9482 6325
Blake Dawson Waldron
Exchange Plaza, Level 32
2 The Esplanade
Perth WA 6000
Telephone: 61 8 9366 8000
Advanced Share Registry Services
110 Stirling Highway
Nedlands WA 6009
Telephone: 61 8 9389 8033
Oakvale Capital Limited
Level 3
50 Colin Street
West Perth WA 6005
Telephone: 61 8 9460 5300
John S. Brinzo

Richard R. Mehan
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
William R. Calfee
Non-Executive Director
Donald J. Gallagher
Non-Executive Director
David H. Gunning
Non-Executive Director
Malcolm H. Macpherson
Non-Executive Director
Michael D. Perrott
Non-Executive Director
Shigeru Fujikawa

General Manager — Marketing
Ron G. Graber
General Manager — Exploration
Leo A. Kipfstuhl
General Manager – Finance & Administration and Company Secretary
Phil S. Nolan
General Manager – Operations
Kevin N. Watters
General Manager – Projects & Engineering
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 2



    Percentage increase from    
    previous corresponding    
    period   $M
Revenue from ordinary activities
    81.4 %     354.5  
Profit from ordinary activities after tax attributable to members
    161.6 %     84.2  
Net profit for the period attributable to members
    161.6 %     84.2  
Amount per security and franked amount per security of interim and final dividend
  Not applicable   Not applicable
  Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. acquired 80.45% of Portman Limited for $3.85 per share.
  Earnings per share (diluted) up 159% on the prior year.
  Benchmark iron ore prices increased by a record 71.5%.
  Koolyanobbing shipments of 5.8 million tonnes was a new record.
  Cockatoo shipments of 1.1 million tonnes was a new record for the Seawall Project.
Koolyanobbing Iron Ore Project
  First full year of production from the new mining areas at Windarling and Mt Jackson.
  Operating costs subjected to sustained upward pressure.
  The 8 million tonne per annum expansion costs increased to approximately $80 million as a result of increased costs of fabricated construction steel and shortages of skilled labour, services and materials.
  Capacity at an 8 million tonne per annum rate is scheduled to be achieved by the end of the first quarter 2006.
Cockatoo Island Project
  Production moved into the Stage 2 area of the Seawall Project.
  No further wall slippage issues occurred.
  Remaining reserves to be mined out during the first quarter 2007.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 3



Dear Shareholder
It gives me great satisfaction to present the Portman 2005 Annual Report, in what has been an eventful and very successful year for your company. Cleveland-Cliffs Inc, an International Mining Company completed the acquisition of over 80% of the outstanding stock of your company and a seamless transition was completed.
On behalf of the Board, it is pleasing to report that during the current year, your company achieved a record profit of $84.2 million, against $32.2 million in the prior year.
The record result was achieved primarily as the result of the unprecedented 71.5% increase in annual benchmark iron ore prices. A solid performance at the Koolyanobbing operation which again saw record tonnes produced and sold during the year. Unfortunately, strong upward pressure on the majority of input costs has been a feature throughout the year and shows no apparent sign of abating.
The Northern Tenements of Windarling and Mt Jackson at Koolyanobbing became major sources of plant feed during the year. Total production from the Koolyanobbing operation during the year was 5.8 million tonnes, a 12% increase on last years production of 5.2 million tonnes. Total sales from the Koolyanobbing operation were 5.8 million tonnes, an 8% increase on last years sales of 5.4 million tonnes.
The Cockatoo Island project increased production and sales compared to the prior year and operated at design operating levels. The Stage 2 of the seawall was completed and the small slip in the seawall that occurred in September 2004 was repaired. Cockatoo averaged two shipments per month for the year, with two months achieving three ships loaded.
Expansion and Growth
Work on the expansion of the Koolyanobbing operation to 8 million tonnes per annum continued during the year, but significant skills shortages have continued to delay completion until first quarter 2006. Coupled with below plan rail movements during the last quarter 2005, production and sales are expected at a 6.0mtpa rate during the first quarter. The expansion expenditures of approximately $80 million, has increased significantly versus the original estimate of $55 million. This cost overrun is not unlike those being experienced on major projects by other companies in Australia. The final tie in work and start up activities will be completed during the first quarter and stabilisation of operations will follow.
Corporate Activity
On 12 January 2005, Cleveland-Cliffs Inc, announced a A$3.40 per share cash takeover offer for Portman Limited which was further increased to A$3.85 per share on 25 February 2005. On 22 March 2005, Cleveland-Cliffs announced they had received acceptances which had increased their voting power to more than 50% and on 19 April 2005, when the offer finally closed, acceptances had been received for 80.45% of the shares on issue.
Final Dividend
After completion of the Cleveland-Cliffs acquisition, your Board met four times in 2005 since the acquisition and reviewed the financial status of the company and took no actions on dividends.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 4



Corporate Governance
Regulatory focus continues to play an evolving part of our business with the “Principles of Good Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations” established by the ASX Corporate Governance Council and published by the ASX in March 2003, being adopted during the 2003 calendar year. As part of our Corporate Governance practices, during the year your Board reviewed and approved revisions to the following policies: Code of Conduct, Shareholder Communications, Market Disclosures and Securities Trading. Copies of the policies are available on the Company website.
In addition, the Board formed a Minority Shareholder Interests Committee composed of the non-executive independent directors to deal with any issues effecting minority shareholders.
During the year, Mr George Jones, Mr. Barry Eldridge, Ms. Fiona Harris and Mr. Richard Knight resigned from the Board. I want to thank them for their devoted service to the Company during their time on the Board.
In April 2005, the writer, Mr. David Gunning, Mr. William Calfee and Mr. Donald Gallagher all of Cleveland-Cliffs joined the Board. Mr. Richard Mehan was appointed Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer and Mr. Michael Perrott and Mr. Malcolm Macpherson who will remain on your board as independent non-executive directors.
On behalf of the Board, I would like to acknowledge and thank the management team and employees for their significant contribution during the year which allowed your company to achieve a number of significant milestones.
Shareholders are invited to visit our website (www.portman.com.au) or contact the Managing Director, Richard Mehan or Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary, Leo Kipfstuhl at any time to obtain further information about Portman.
Yours sincerely
/s/ John S Brinzo
John Brinzo
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 5



Benchmark iron ore prices increased by a record 71.5%. This was driven by the strength of ore demand by the Chinese steel industry and a recognition of the high cost brownfields expansions required to meet future demand.
Koolyanobbing sales volumes increased 8% over the same period in 2004 as the first full year of Portman’s suite of long term sales arrangements were concluded. Cockatoo Island sales increased 65% from 2004.
Western Australia
The Koolyanobbing Iron Ore Project is located 425 kilometres east of Perth and approximately 50 kilometres north-east of the town of Southern Cross. All of the ore mined is transported by rail to the Port of Esperance, 578 kilometres to the south.
2005 saw the first full year of production from the new mining areas at Windarling and Mt. Jackson, located 80 and 100 kilometres north of Koolyanobbing respectively.
Sales in 2005 of 5,793 thousand tonnes represented an increase of 8% over the previous year.
Koolyanobbing Statistics (000’s tonnes)
    2005   2004   2003   2002
Ore Processed
    5,797       5,190       4,914       4,101  
Ore Shipments
    5,793       5,379       4,715       4,227  
Project Development
Construction activity on infrastructure supporting expansion of capacity to 8 million tonnes per annum, continued throughout the year. Shortages of skilled labour, services and materials have resulted in delays and significant over budget costs. Project construction costs have increased to approximately $80 million with the cost of fabricated construction steels having more than doubled over the past two years.
With the majority of construction now complete, the project timeframe is for capacity at an 8 million tonnes per annum rate to be achieved by the end of the first quarter in 2006.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 6



Western Australia
Cockatoo Island is located off the Kimberley Coast of Western Australia, approximately 3,000 kilometres to the north of Perth.
Portman gained access to high-grade, low impurity haematite ore at Cockatoo Island under an agreement with its previous operator, BHP, in 1999. This ore had not been mined because of its location under old infrastructure.
In August 2000, Portman commenced production of Cockatoo premium fines ore in a 50/50 joint venture with contracting group, Henry Walker Eltin, with the first shipment loaded in September 2000.
Production moved into the Stage 2 area of the Seawall Project during the year. No further wall slippage issues occurred and de-watering rates were consistent with the operating plan.
Output for 2005 totalled 1,142 thousand tonnes.
Reserves available under the current Seawall Project are expected to be mined out during the first quarter of 2007. Studies are underway to extend the project life by accessing additional ore to the east of the existing orebody. A decision on the feasibility of an extension project will be made during the first half of 2006.
Cockatoo Island Iron Ore Project Statistics (000’s tonnes)
    2005   2004   2003   2002
Ore Processed
    1,142       618       591       287  
Ore Shipments
    1,124       680       561       228  
Figures above are quoted at 100%.
Portman achieved significant progress in environmental management during 2005. As production activity from the new operations at Mt Jackson and Windarling consolidated, the emphasis in environmental management shifted from control of mine establishment and construction activities to implementation and ongoing development of the Koolyanobbing Project Environmental Management System and conservation initiatives.
The key elements of a number of environmental management plans that were required under government approvals were consolidated into one system manual in 2005. The environmental management system was checked by external auditors in October 2005 and determined to be on schedule to achieve certification to the ISO14001 Standard within the following 18 months.
Research into the genetics and ecology of Tetratheca paynterae, the rare plant species that was impacted by the approved development of a mine pit at Windarling progressed in 2005. Studies into the genetics of the population has revealed some structuring, or clumping, in certain characteristics of plants across the range which is beginning to yield valuable insights into the breeding methods of the species and movement of pollinators between plants. The plant is readily propagated from cuttings, though establishment from seed is proving more difficult. An objective of Portman is to establish a population of the species away from mining operations, which, together with the plants remaining at Windarling, will enhance the resilience of the species. An understanding of the genetics of Tetratheca paynterae means the optimum cross section of genotypes can be employed in the translocation project.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 7



The Windarling site endured one of the longest and driest periods in the last 30 years from August 2004 to May 2005, with only 58 mm rainfall. This extended dry period resulted in the deaths of Tetratheca paynterae plants across the population. The frequency of plant mortality was greatest nearest the mining operation, and after detailed investigations it was concluded that mining had exacerbated the drought effect, most probably through dust and altered exposure to prevailing winds. Of 457 plant deaths across the population, an estimated 40 — 44 deaths within 15 metres of the mine face were attributed to the cumulative effect of drought and changes due to mining. The remaining population in August 2005 was 5,317 mature plants, and 24 seedlings.
Further surveys extended the understanding of the distribution of the endangered Malleefowl in the vicinity of the mining operations at Mt Jackson. Five active Malleefowl nests have been recorded by late 2005 — suggesting the presence of five breeding pairs, several of which are within a conservation area adopted by Portman. Baseline monitoring as part of a long term feral predator control programme to be undertaken in partnership with the lead state conservation management agency commenced in 2005. Baiting to reduce the numbers of feral cats, dogs and foxes is planned to commence in 2007. Monitoring will be continued to determine the response of native fauna, including Malleefowl, to reduced levels of predation.
Portman ensures that vegetation in every area planned for clearing as part of mine development is surveyed by a botanist prior to disturbance. Information from these surveys, and broader regional surveys, have contributed significantly to the knowledge of the distribution and abundance of plants of conservation significance across the region. In 2005 the status of several plant species was amended primarily on the basis of data provided by Portman.
Several key environmental approvals were obtained in 2005, including approval to expand the size of a waste dump at Windarling (following a substantial increase in the size of the reserve in the W2 orebody), and approval for an increase in iron ore production from 6 to 8 million tonnes per annum.
Sound mine planning and mine development has enabled the rehabilitation of small areas of several waste dumps within 2 years of initial ground disturbance. This ‘progressive’ rehabilitation has several substantial benefits: it minimises the liability for closure at the end of mine life; provides for earlier recovery of performance bonds required by the State; and optimises revegetation performance through the use of fresh topsoil and vegetative mulch. Work to enhance rehabilitation performance is ongoing.
The Koolyanobbing Project Community Reference Group, comprising local government, pastoralist, indigenous and conservation stakeholders, sat twice in 2005. In addition, members received four updates on the project during the year. The group inspected the Windarling and Mt Jackson operations in September 2005. All of the Koolyanobbing Project operations were opened to the general public for a day in October 2005.
Sound improvement in the environmental management of mining operations at Cockatoo Island was achieved in 2005. Rehabilitation works were completed on several disturbed areas of the island. Studies into the marine ecology adjacent to the mining operations were continued. A plan for the closure of mining operations was developed during the year. Part of the closure plan is an innovative proposal to convert the seawall constructed to enable mining below sea level into a marina after the cessation of mining operations. The closure plan, including the marina proposal, has been well received by regulatory agencies, and the majority of stakeholders, in consultation completed to date.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 8



Koolyanobbing Project
During 2005 four Lost Time Injuries (“LTI’s”) were recorded regrettably including one fatality. A driver for BGC Contracting Pty Ltd (“BGC”), Portman’s haulage contractor, was involved in a collision on the haul road between the Northern Tenements and Koolyanobbing. Portman and BGC worked closely with the Western Australian Mine Inspection authorities in reviewing all aspects of the accident. Portman has approved a capital appropriation of $2.9 million to widen the haul road as a proactive step to improve safety on the haul road.
The Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (“LTIFR”) for the year was 4.0 which is slightly below the metalliferous open pit mining industry average of 4.1.
Cockatoo Island Joint Venture Project
Portman does not have company employees working on this site. HWE (our 50% Joint Venture partner) is responsible for mining and operations on the island. During 2005 two LTI’s were incurred resulting in a LTIFR of 7.29 for the year. The most serious injury was acid burns to the face and eyes of a contractor, who has since made a full recovery.
Health and Safety Policy
Portman’s Health and Safety Policy is set out in detail in the Corporate Governance Statement (see page 18 of this Annual Report).
It remains our focussed objective to continuously improve our safety performance through systematic programmes to minimise the risk to the well being of our company employees and our contractors employees working on our mine sites.
2005 exploration activity has concentrated on the following objectives:
    increasing the geologic confidence of the Koolyanobbing Project deposits by in-fill drilling;
    defining additional resources within the Koolyanobbing Project area by targeting satellite prospects and extensions to known resources;
    examining prospective areas proximal to the Koolyanobbing operations; and
    evaluating additional sources of iron mineralisation on Cockatoo Island.
Koolyanobbing Project
2005 exploration activity at the Koolyanobbing Project comprised geologic mapping and a combination of in-fill and step-out reverse circulation drilling totalling 21,800 meters in 250 drill holes.
The primary objective of drilling programmes at the Koolyanobbing C and the Mt Jackson J1 deposits was to improve confidence in previous mineral resource estimates. The programmes succeeded in improved confidence in both the total tonnes and distribution of grade within the deposits. At the C deposit, a deeper zone of mineralisation associated with a drag fold east of the main body of mineralisation was identified that requires further drill evaluation in 2006. At the J1 deposit, which is the single largest undeveloped Koolyanobbing Project resource, a 5.0 Mt increase in Indicated Resources was achieved.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 9



The balance of reverse circulation drilling undertaken in 2005 has targeted both satellite prospects and extensions to known resources. At Koolyanobbing the F North prospect continued to be drilled at year-end evaluating the continuity and grade of lenses of goethite mineralization. Along the Mt Jackson Range both the J4 prospect, located 20km east of the Mt Jackson mine site and the J5 prospect a further 20km east were evaluated by reverse circulation drilling. The J5 prospect drilling produced a number of encouraging intersections. A follow-up drill program at J5 in 2006 will aim at generating a JORC-compliant mineral resource estimate. At Windarling, step-out drilling targeting extensions to the main mineralisation at both the W1 and W4 deposits was completed. Information from this drilling will be incorporated into updated resource models and estimates for these deposits in 2006.
During 2005 regional exploration targets proximal to the Koolyanobbing Project were acquired. In the Perrinvale area 100km northeast of the Windarling mining operations, two exploration licences were granted covering a 45km strike length of banded iron-formation that has seen only limited iron ore exploration. Reconnaissance mapping for iron mineralisation on these tenements will be pursued during 2006. In the Mt Finnerty area located 65 kilometres east of the Koolyanobbing Range, an iron ore joint venture agreement with Reed Resources was executed in the 3rd quarter of 2005. The geology of the Mt Finnerty project area consists of the north-westerly trending Watt Hills greenstone belt containing lenses of variably mineralized and lateritised banded iron formation over a 30 kilometre strike length. During 2005 reconnaissance mapping and outcrop sampling was conducted over the northern 20 kilometres of the project area. Although individual grab samples up to 64% Fe were produced, their significance in terms of target size and grade is not possible due to scarcity of outcrop. A reconnaissance reverse circulation drill program will target the most promising Mt Finnerty targets in 2006.
Cockatoo Island
A review of potential auxiliary sources of iron mineralisation to extend the Cockatoo Island operation beyond 2007 was conducted during 2005. Evaluations included a metallurgical test program aimed at beneficiating low-grade mineralisation occurring east of the present pit. Further evaluations at extending the Cockatoo Island operation will be pursued in 2006.
Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources
Koolyanobbing Project
As at 31 December 2005 the in-situ Mineral Resources for the Koolyanobbing Project, incorporating the mineral deposits at Mt Jackson and Windarling stood at 151.9 million tonnes at 62.01% iron, a net increase of 2.4 million tonnes in comparison to the period ended 31 December 2004. The 2005 Mineral Resource statement reflects:
    depletion due to mining at K and A deposits at Koolyanobbing, J2 and J3 deposits at Mt Jackson and W2 and W3/5 deposits at Windarling; and
    updated resource models and estimates for the C deposit at Koolyanobbing, the J1 deposit at Mt Jackson and the W2 deposit at Windarling.
In-situ resource estimates have been completed for all the Koolyanobbing Project deposits by Golder Associates and classified in accordance with the JORC Code.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 10



In-situ Mineral Resources – Portman Limited, Koolyanobbing Project
            Tonnes   Fe   Phos   SiO2   Al2O3   S   LOI
Deposit   Category   Mt   %   %   %   %   %   %
  Indicated     4.4       61.48       0.071       3.71       0.78       0.185       6.51  
  Total     4.4       61.48       0.071       3.71       0.78       0.185       6.51  
  Indicated     3.0       61.37       0.023       3.73       0.54       0.074       6.53  
  Inferred     1.0       61.01       0.022       4.44       0.53       0.080       5.65  
  Total     4.0       61.28       0.023       3.91       0.54       0.076       6.30  
  Indicated     8.3       61.10       0.038       2.89       0.93       0.075       7.86  
  Inferred     3.2       62.69       0.009       1.97       0.56       0.069       5.98  
  Total     11.5       61.54       0.030       2.63       0.83       0.073       7.34  
  Indicated     0.3       60.87       0.031       4.47       1.46       0.019       6.82  
  Total     0.3       60.88       0.031       4.46       1.44       0.019       6.83  
  Indicated     0.6       60.54       0.035       4.90       0.39       0.050       7.37  
  Total     0.6       60.54       0.035       4.90       0.39       0.050       7.37  
  Indicated     3.8       61.55       0.029       3.21       0.54       0.083       7.75  
  Total     3.8       61.55       0.029       3.21       0.54       0.083       7.75  
  Indicated     14.8       62.05       0.122       3.20       0.64       0.081       5.86  
  Total     14.8       62.05       0.122       3.20       0.64       0.081       5.86  
Total (Koolyanobbing)
  Indicated     35.1       61.61       0.075       3.28       0.71       0.091       6.71  
  Inferred     4.2       62.28       0.012       2.57       0.55       0.072       5.90  
  Total     39.4       61.68       0.068       3.20       0.69       0.089       6.62  
            Tonnes   Fe   Phos   SiO2   Al2O3   S   LOI
Deposit   Category   Mt   %   %   %   %   %   %
Long Term Stockpiles
  Measured     8.4       60.93       0.122       3.72       1.31       0.057       N/C  
Total (Stockpiles)
  Total     8.4       60.93       0.122       3.72       1.31       0.057       N/C  
            Tonnes   Fe   Phos   SiO2   Al2O3   S   LOI
Deposit   Category   Mt   %   %   %   %   %   %
  Indicated     30.8       60.05       0.090       2.04       1.00       0.124       10.38  
  Inferred     5.8       59.99       0.090       2.26       1.32       0.105       8.89  
  Total     36.6       60.04       0.090       2.07       1.05       0.121       10.14  
  Indicated     11.5       62.23       0.043       1.94       1.13       0.105       6.91  
  Inferred     0.1       61.14       0.023       3.44       4.03       0.058       4.96  
  Total     11.6       62.22       0.043       1.96       1.16       0.105       6.89  
  Indicated     1.5       62.55       0.033       3.66       0.72       0.011       6.04  
  Total     1.5       62.55       0.033       3.66       0.72       0.011       6.04  
Total (Mt Jackson)
  Indicated     43.8       60.71       0.076       2.07       1.03       0.115       9.33  
  Inferred     5.9       60.01       0.089       2.28       1.37       0.104       8.81  
  Total     49.7       60.62       0.077       2.09       1.07       0.114       9.26  
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 11



            Tonnes   Fe   Phos   SiO2   Al2O3   S   LOI
Deposit   Category   Mt   %   %   %   %   %   %
  Indicated     10.3       62.22       0.183       1.63       1.15       0.013       6.84  
  Inferred     2.7       62.57       0.179       1.70       0.98       0.008       6.34  
  Total     13.0       62.29       0.182       1.64       1.11       0.012       6.74  
  Indicated     11.4       65.53       0.084       1.96       1.12       0.034       2.45  
  Inferred     3.6       65.13       0.082       2.72       1.03       0.059       2.28  
  Total     15.0       65.43       0.084       2.14       1.10       0.040       2.41  
  Indicated     8.8       64.39       0.129       1.54       1.29       0.014       4.19  
  Inferred     3.9       64.86       0.127       1.14       0.97       0.011       4.63  
  Total     12.7       64.53       0.128       1.42       1.19       0.013       4.33  
  Indicated     6.2       60.66       0.225       1.74       1.15       0.015       8.46  
  Inferred     0.0       0.00       0.000       0.00       0.00       0.000       0.00  
  Total     6.2       60.66       0.225       1.74       1.15       0.015       8.46  
  Indicated     6.1       63.67       0.115       3.16       2.08       0.024       2.93  
  Inferred     1.5       63.34       0.121       3.18       1.61       0.019       3.22  
  Total     7.6       63.60       0.116       3.16       1.99       0.023       2.99  
Total (Windarling)
  Indicated     42.8       63.53       0.142       1.93       1.30       0.021       4.80  
  Inferred     11.7       64.21       0.124       2.02       1.07       0.026       4.12  
  Total     54.5       63.68       0.138       1.95       1.25       0.022       4.66  
            Tonnes   Fe   Phos   SiO2   Al2O3   S   LOI
Deposit   Category   Mt   %   %   %   %   %   %
Koolyanobbing Project
  Measured     8.4       60.93       0.159       2.75       0.90       0.040       N/C  
  Indicated     121.7       61.96       0.104       2.46       1.05       0.070       6.70  
  Inferred     21.8       62.70       0.127       2.16       1.06       0.058       6.77  
  Total     151.9       62.01       0.110       2.45       1.04       0.067       6.71  
1.   Tonnage and grade rounded as appropriate.
2.   Cut-off grade 58% Iron. No upper limit cut-off grades have been applied to Phosphorous, Silica, Alumina and Sulphur.
3.   Resources estimates for the Koolyanobbing deposits have been completed by Golder Associates.
4.   Restrictions imposed by the State may impact on the full development of the Windarling W1 deposit.
Cockatoo Island (50% Portman)
As at 31 December 2005 the Cockatoo Island Mineral Resources for Portman Limited (50%) stood at 1.7 million tonnes at 68.14% iron. The in-situ resource estimate was completed by SRK Consulting in 2003 in accordance with the JORC Code. The total Cockatoo Island Mineral Resource stands at 3.5 million tonnes (50% Portman Limited, 50% HWE Contracting Pty Ltd).
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 12



Mineral Resource – Cockatoo Island
    Classification   Tonnes   Fe   Phos   SiO2   Al2O3   S
Deposit   JORC   Mt   %   %   %   %   %
Cockatoo Island
  Indicated     3.0       68.22       0.012       0.99       0.58       0.01  
  Inferred     0.5       67.61       0.013       1.29       0.86       0.01  
  Total     3.5       68.14       0.012       1.03       0.62       0.01  
Portman (3)
  50%   1.7       68.14       0.012       1.03       0.62       0.01  
1.   In-situ resource reported within following constraints:
Easting   RL (lower limit of in-situ resource model)
  1750m   -24m
  2350m   -34m
2.   An in-situ bulk density of 4.7 tonnes/m 3 was adopted for ore material.
3.   Represents Portman’s share of the Cockatoo Island Joint Venture.
Ore Reserves
    Classification   Tonnes   Fe   Phos   SiO2   Al2O3   S
Project   JORC   Mt   %   %   %   %   %
  Proved     7.0       60.82       0.121       3.85       1.36       0.050  
  Probable     80.5       61.78       0.090       2.97       1.29       0.074  
            87.5       61.71       0.093       3.04       1.29       0.072  
Cockatoo (1)
  Probable     1.7       68.29       0.012       0.93       0.55       0.010  
            1.7       68.29       0.012       0.93       0.55       0.010  
Portman (50%) (2)
  Probable     0.8       68.29       0.012       0.93       0.55       0.010  
1.   Represents 100% of Cockatoo Island reserve. Reserve calculated using an updated Stage 2 pit design documented in a December 2005 geotechnical report by Coffey Geosciences Pty Ltd.
2.   Represents Portman’s share of the Cockatoo Island Joint Venture.
The Mineral Resources at Koolyanobbing and Cockatoo Island have been classified as Measured, Indicated and Inferred in accordance with the JORC guidelines, based on the assessment of geological continuity, drill data density and grade continuity.
The Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource has been used to determine the Proved and Probable Ore Reserve by applying appropriate optimisation and scheduling techniques and is based on Portman’s current and forecast operating cost and product specification criteria. The calculation in this manner complies with the JORC code.
The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Mr R G Graber, who is a Member of the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG), a ‘Recognised Overseas Professional Organisation’ included in a list promulgated by the ASX from time to time. Mr Graber is an employee of Cliffs Reduced Iron Management Company, a subsidiary of Cleveland-Cliffs Inc, and is seconded to the company. Mr Graber has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’. Mr Graber consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 13



The Portman Board continues to be a strong advocate of good corporate governance and is very focused on fulfilling its responsibilities to all of its legitimate stakeholders.
The Board has adopted the “Principles of Good Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations” established by the ASX Corporate Governance Council and published by ASX in March 2003. The Company has created a corporate governance section on its website which sets out in full detail the various charters, policies and codes of conduct that have been adopted by the Board to ensure compliance with the “best practice recommendations” referred to above.
Role and Structure of the Board
The role of the Board is to chart and monitor the direction, strategies and financial objectives of the Company and to monitor compliance with regulatory requirements and ethical standards. The Managing Director is responsible to the Board for the day to day management of the Company.
In accordance with ASX Principle 1 the Board has established a Board Charter (see website) which sets out in detail the responsibilities and functions of the directors as distinct from management.
The composition of the Board recognises the majority ownership position of Cleveland-Cliffs Inc (“Cliffs”). It is considered appropriate that Directors associated with the controlling shareholder constitute a majority of Directors on the Board. Notwithstanding this, the Directors discharge their duties in the interests of all the shareholders.
The Board is comprised of a Chairman, five non-executive directors and one executive director (the Managing Director). Below is a table setting out pertinent details regarding the tenure of each director at the date of this report.
Name of   Role of           Year of
Director   Director   Non-Executive   Independent   Appointment
J S Brinzo
  Chairman   Yes   No     2005  
R R Mehan
  Managing Director   No   No     2005  
W R Calfee
  Non Executive   Yes   No     2005  
M D Perrott
  Non Executive   Yes   Yes     1997  
D J Gallagher
  Non Executive   Yes   No     2005  
D H Gunning
  Non Executive   Yes   No     2005  
M H Macpherson
  Non Executive   Yes   Yes     2003  
Details of the professional skills and experience of each of the directors are set out in the Directors’ Report — see page 19 — 21.
Each Director has the right to seek independent professional advice at the Company’s expense. However, prior approval of the Chairman is required which is not to be unreasonably withheld.
The Board has implemented a process for the annual reviews of its overall performance, consistent with ASX Principle 8.
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Director Independence
The Board of Directors does not consist of a majority of “independent” Directors. This is not in compliance with ASX Principle 2.1. As stated above the composition of the Board recognises Cliffs’ majority shareholding. The Directors are required to, and do, act in accordance with their statutory duties of good faith and for proper purpose. All related party transactions, including those with Cliffs have been determined to be in the interests of the Company.
As shown in the table above, the Company’s Chairman is not an independent director, which is contrary to ASX Principle 2.2. The Chairman is also the Chairman and CEO of Cliffs, and he has been appointed as Portman’s Chairman because of Cliffs’ majority ownership position discussed above.
Audit and Risk Management Committee
In accordance with ASX Principles 4 and 7, the Board has established and adopted an Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter which has been posted to the corporate governance section of our website. A Risk Management Policy has also been adopted and posted to the Website.
The Audit and Risk Management Committee is appointed by the Board and is comprised of three non-executive Directors of whom two are required to be independent. The present members of the Audit Committee are Mr. Perrott (Chair), Mr. Gunning and Mr. Macpherson.
The Committee provides a formal structure for reviewing Portman’s financial statements, accounting policies, control systems, risk management practices and liaising with external and internal auditors.
The Committee advises the Board of any matters that might have a significant impact on the financial condition of Portman and has the authority to investigate any matters with the terms of reference, having full access to the information and resources of Portman to fulfil its function. Related party transactions are considered by the Committee and where appropriate, the independent members of the Committee only.
The Committee reviews compliance with the Corporation Act, the requirements of the Australian Stock Exchange and other regulatory requirements.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
In December 2003, the Board adopted a Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter (see website) that stipulates the composition of the committee and the duties and responsibilities of the committee members.
The members of this committee at the date of this report are Mr. Brinzo (Chair), Mr. Perrott and Mr. Calfee.
Treasury Policy Committee
In December 2004, the Board adopted a Treasury Policy Committee Charter (see website) to assist the Board and management in relation to foreign exchange, borrowings and investment dealings within Portman.
The members of this Committee are Mr. Gallagher (Chair), Mr. Gunning, Mr Hunt (Portman’s Financial Controller) and Mr. Cunningham (from Oakvale, Portman’s external treasury advisor).
Minority Shareholders Interests Committee
In April 2005, the Board appointed a new Committee to review issues related to the interests of the minority shareholders, including related party transactions. The members of the Committee are Mr. M Perrott (Chair) and Mr. M Macpherson.
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Conduct and Ethics
The Board has adopted the Code of Conduct produced by the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) to guide directors and promote high ethical and professional standards. The Board also endorsed the Guidelines accompanying that Code.
The Company has also established and the Board has endorsed a Code of Conduct for all employees. This code aims to develop a consistent understanding of, and approach to, the desired standards of conduct and behaviour of employees of Portman in carrying out their roles for the Company. Through this code Portman seeks to encourage and develop a culture of professionalism, honesty and responsibility in order to maintain and enhance our reputation as a valued employer, business operator and good corporate citizen.
The Board Code of Conduct and The Employees Code of Conduct are in accordance with ASX Principles 3 and 10 respectively and have been posted on our website.
Securities Trading
The Board has adopted a Securities Trading Policy (see website) that applies to directors and all employees. Under this policy all directors and employees of the Company are prohibited from trading in the Company’s securities (ie share and options) if they are in possession of “inside information” and during certain periods prior to the announcement of quarterly, half yearly, full year results and the holding of the AGM. Trading by Restricted Persons (as defined in the Policy) requires clearance from:
i)   in the case of the Chairman wishing to trade, all the other directors;
ii)   in the case of directors wishing to trade, the Chairman; and
iii)   in the case of all other Restricted Persons, the Company Secretary.
This policy is in accordance with ASX Principle 3.
Financial Reporting and Risk Management
In accordance with ASX Principle 4 the financial statements and notes thereto contained in this Annual Report involved both the Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer giving a sign off, to the best of their knowledge and belief, that the Company’s financial report presents a true and fair view, in all material respects, of the Company’s financial condition and operating results and is in accordance with applicable accounting standards.
In respect to Risk Management, the Managing Director and the Chief Financial Officer are required to inform the Board annually in writing that:
i)   the sign off given in relation to the financial statements is founded on a sound system of risk management and internal compliance and control which implements the policies adopted by the Board.
ii)   the Company’s risk management and internal compliance and control system is operating efficiently and effectively in all material respects.
In order for the Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer to make this attestation, the Company utilised management questionnaires covering compliance, risk management and matters affecting the financial statements.
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Market Disclosure
In accordance with ASX Principle 5 the Board has established and adopted a Market Disclosure Policy (see website) to outline the disclosure obligations of the Company as required by ASIC, ASX, the Corporations Act and the ASX Listing Rules. The Company is committed to:
i)   complying with the general and continuous disclosure principles contained in the ASX Listing Rules and the Act;
ii)   preventing the selective or inadvertent disclosure of material price sensitive information;
iii)   ensuring that shareholders and the market are provided with full and timely information about its activities; and
iv)   ensuring that all market participants have equal opportunity to receive externally available information issued by the Company.
Continuous disclosure is included as an agenda item at all meetings of the Board. Any issue that arises which may need to be disclosed is to be immediately reported to the disclosure officer.
The Company Secretary has been appointed as the Company’s disclosure officer responsible for implementing and administering this policy.
Shareholder Communication
In accordance with ASX Principle 6 the Board has established and adopted a Shareholder Communication Policy (see website) to ensure shareholders are provided with current, relevant information and that they are empowered through effective communication.
Portman places considerable importance on effective communication with shareholders and has and will continue to require the presence of the external auditor to attend the Annual General Meetings and answer questions about the conduct of the audit and the preparation and content of the audit report.
Portman is committed to ensuring that diligent environmental management is an integral part of business planning and operations, and strives to achieve high standards of environmental performance in all of its activities. Portman will satisfy all relevant legislation and regulations, and continue the development and implementation of a structured Environmental Management System to ensure responsible and betfred sportsbookproactive environmental management.
The Board is responsible for the Environmental Governance of the Group including the strategic direction, risk assessment, monitoring systems and review processes. The effective implementation of procedures in the Environmental Management System ensures the proper discharge of this responsibility.
All operations managers are required to identify significant environmental risks and applicable environmental legislation to the Board. Periodically and as required, operations managers are required to confirm compliance with all relevant legislation and report the status of identified environmental risks.
Reviews or audits are conducted over all operations to monitor performance and confirm compliance with required standards. These reviews or audits are performed by appropriately trained and authorised
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 17



individuals, internal and external to the organisation. Any substantive matters are reported to the Board. Issues arising from these exercises are monitored to ensure the completion of appropriate corrective or preventative actions.
Considerable progress in the implementation of environmental research and management programmes was achieved during the year. No material breaches of environmental regulations or legislation occurred at Portman’s operations in 2005.
Portman considers the health and safety of all people associated with its operations as one of its highest corporate priorities and is committed to achieving a healthy and accident free work environment.
It is Portman’s objective to continuously improve our safety performance through the implementation of systematic programmes to minimize the risk to the wellbeing of its employees, contractors and customers. In so doing Portman will be acting in the best long term interests of the organisation.
The absolute minimum standard of performance Portman will accept is compliance with all applicable statutory requirements and regulations. During 2005, an independent audit was completed by an external consultant. The audit tested compliance with the Department of Industry and Resources, Safety, Health and Environmental Audit Guidelines, The Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994, Mines Safety and Inspection Regulations 1995, and relevant Standards and Codes of Practice. The audit found Portman to be in compliance with regulatory requirements. A list of improvements were also identified and are being actioned by the Company.
Portman’s health and safety measures will be integrated with its operations, properly resourced and communicated, and supported with training and awareness programmes.
Portman recognises that to achieve its aims will require clear leadership, and acceptance of collective and individual responsibilities towards providing a safe workplace.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 18



The directors of Portman Limited submit herewith the annual financial report of the company for the financial year ended 31 December 2005. In order to comply with the provisions of the Corporations Act 2001, the directors report as follows:
(a)   Directors
    The names of the directors of Portman Limited in office during or since the end of the financial year are:
John S Brinzo
  (appointed 12 April 2005)
Richard R Mehan
  (appointed 12 April 2005)
William R Calfee
  (appointed 12 April 2005)
Donald J Gallagher
  (appointed 12 April 2005)
David H Gunning
  (appointed 12 April 2005)
Malcolm H Macpherson
Michael D Perrott
George F Jones
  (resigned 6 April 2005)
Barry J Eldridge
  (resigned 12 April 2005)
Fiona E Harris
  (resigned 12 April 2005)
Richard Knight
  (resigned 12 April 2005)
    Directors were in office for this entire period unless otherwise stated.
(b)   Information on Directors and Company Secretary
John S Brinzo — Age: 64
    Mr Brinzo is chairman, chief executive officer and a director of Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.
    Mr. Brinzo’s career with Cleveland-Cliffs began in 1969 as a financial analyst. He held a number of management positions, both at Cliffs’ corporate headquarters and at Cliffs mining operations in Michigan. He was named vice president and controller in 1983, senior vice president-finance in 1987, executive vice president-finance in 1989, executive vice president-finance and planning in 1997, president and chief executive officer in November 1997, and chairman in 2000.
    He earned his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Kent State University and an MBA from Case Western Reserve University.
    Mr. Brinzo is a member of the American Iron and Steel Institute and chairman of the National Mining Association. He is active in the local community, including serving on the Board of Trustees of the Great Lakes Science Center, Kent State Foundation, and is a board member of The Brink’s Company.
    Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
Richard R Mehan – Age: 52
    Mr. Mehan holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from Monash University. He has 27 years experience in the resources industry with the vast majority being in the traded iron ore industry. Mr. Mehan is in his eighth year with Portman Limited having held the roles of General Manager-Iron Ore, General Manager Marketing and Chief Operating Officer prior to this appointment as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer.
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Non-Executive Director
William R Calfee – Age: 59
Mr Calfee is executive vice president-commercial of Cleveland-Cliffs Inc, with responsibilities for all Cliffs commercial activities.
Mr. Calfee joined Cleveland-Cliffs in 1972 as an ore sales representative. He assumed increasingly responsible positions in the commercial area before being named vice president-ore sales in 1983. In 1986, Mr. Calfee was named executive vice president and chief operating officer. Following the acquisition of Pickands Mather & Co. and further corporate restructuring, he became senior executive vice president in 1989 and assumed his current position in October 1995.
An officer in the U.S. Navy, Mr. Calfee received his Bachelor of Arts from Williams College, and completed the Advanced Management program at the Graduate School of Business at Harvard University.
Mr. Calfee is a director of Ideastream (public television and public radio) in Cleveland, Ohio.
Non-Executive Director
Donald J Gallagher – Age: 53
Mr Gallagher is executive vice president, chief financial officer and treasurer of the Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. His responsibilities include finance, financial reporting, accounting, financial planning, treasury and investor relations functions.
Mr. Gallagher joined Cliffs in 1981 as an ore sales representative in the commercial department. He has held various management positions within Cliffs, and was named vice president-sales in August 1998. A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. Gallagher earned his bachelor’s degree in Economics from Yale University and an MBA from Case Western Reserve University.
Mr. Gallagher has served as chairman of the Cleveland Section of the A.I.M.E. and is currently a member of Financial Executives International, the Iron and Steel Society of the A.I.M.E., and the American Iron and Steel Institute. He is also active in the local community, including serving on the board of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Cleveland.
Non-Executive Director
David H Gunning – Age: 63
Mr Gunning joined Cleveland-Cliffs Inc as vice chairman in 2001. His responsibilities include business development and the execution of Cleveland-Cliffs’ corporate strategy.
Prior to joining Cliffs, Mr. Gunning was a consultant and private investor. Before that, he was president and chief executive officer of Capitol American Financial Corporation, which was sold to Conseco, Inc., in 1997. For more than 25 years, Mr. Gunning was with the law firm of Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue (now known as Jones Day), where he last served as the partner in charge of the firm’s worldwide corporate practice.
A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. Gunning earned a Bachelor of Arts from Cornell University and received his law degree from Harvard University.
He is a director of Cleveland-Cliffs Inc, Lincoln Electric Holdings, Development Alternatives, Inc., and MFS Funds. He is a trustee of the Chicago Theological Seminary, Playhouse Square Foundation, and the College of Wooster.
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Non-Executive Director
Malcolm H Macpherson — Age: 61
Mr Macpherson (B.Sc, FAusIMM, FTSE) has had extensive experience in the mining and minerals industry at both the operational and executive level. He is a director of Minara Resources Limited and Titanium Corporation Inc and Chairman of Azumah Resources Limited and Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Resource Processing. He is also Chairman of the not for profit, Independent Living Centre of W.A. (inc) and a member of the senate of Murdoch University.
Non-Executive Director
Michael D Perrott – Age: 60
Mr Perrott (B.Com, FAIM) has been involved in industries associated with construction, contracting, mining and land development since 1969. He is currently Chairman of Port Bouvard Limited, GME Resources Limited, Bone Medical Limited and Canning Vale Weaving Mills. He is a member of the Board of Notre Dame University and a council member of the National Advisory Council for Suicide Prevention and the State Ministerial Council for Suicide Prevention.
Company Secretary
Leo A Kipfstuhl – Age: 64
Mr Kipfstuhl is General Manager Finance and Administration and Company Secretary. He joined Cleveland-Cliffs in 1963 and has over 40 years experience in accounting, finance and corporate development. Prior to his assignment to Portman, he was Director – Corporate Development for Cliffs and from 1999 to 2002 he was Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for Cliffs and Associates Limited, a Cliffs’ subsidiary in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Directorships of other listed companies
Name   Company   Period of Directorship
J S Brinzo
  The Brink’s Company   2004 — present
D H Gunning
  Lincoln Electric Holdings   1985 — present
  Development Alternatives Inc   1970 — present
  MFS Funds   2004 — present
M H Macpherson
  Minara Resources Limited   2002 — present
  Titanium Corporation Inc   2005 — present
  Azumah Resources Limited *   2005 — present
M D Perrott
  Port Bouvard Limited *   1998 — present
  GME Resources Limited *   1996 — present
  Bone Medical Limited *   2001 — 2005
  Schaffer Corporation Ltd   2005 — present
*   Chairman
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 21



(c)   Committees of Directors
    The names of the Directors who constitute the Committees of Directors at the date of this report are:
Audit & Risk   Nomination &       Minority Shareholder
Management   Remuneration   Treasury Policy   Interests
M D Perrott – (Chair)
  J S Brinzo – (Chair)   D J Gallagher – (Chair)   M D Perrott – (Chair)
D H Gunning
  W R Calfee   D H Gunning   M H Macpherson
M H Macpherson
  M D Perrott   C J Hunt *    
      J Cunningham – Oakvale    
      Capital Limited *    
*   Messrs Hunt and Cunningham are not directors of Portman Limited but are elected members of the respective committees.
(d)   Directors’ Meetings
    During the year the Company held 12 meetings of Directors. The names of Directors and members of the current Committees of the Board are outlined on pages 19 and 22. Directors who are not members of a Committee are invited to attend Committee meetings and more often than not accept this standing invitation. The attendances of the Directors at meetings of the Board and Director members of its Committees were as follows:
    Pre changeover of directors prior to Cleveland-Cliffs Inc acquisition (1 Jan — 12 Apr 2005)
            Meeting of Committees
    Directors’   Audit & Risk   Nomination &    
    Meetings   Management   Remuneration   Treasury Policy
Number of Meetings Held:
    8       1       1       1  
G F Jones (1)
    7       n/a       1       1  
B J Eldridge (2)
    8       n/a       n/a       1  
F E Harris (2)
    8       1       n/a       1  
R Knight (2)
    8       1       1       n/a  
M H Macpherson
    8       1       n/a       n/a  
M D Perrott
    7       1       0       1  
(1) resigned 6 April 2005
(2) resigned 12 April 2005
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 22



(d)   Directors’ Meetings (continued)
    Post changeover of directors after Cleveland-Cliffs Inc acquisition (12 Apr – 31 Dec 05)
            Meeting of Committees
    Directors’   Audit & Risk   Nomination &           Shareholder
    Meetings   Management   Remuneration   Treasury Policy   Interests
Number of Meetings Held:
    4       3       2       3       1  
J S Brinzo (1)
    4       n/a       2       n/a       n/a  
R R Mehan (1)
    4       n/a       n/a       n/a       n/a  
W R Calfee (1)
    3       n/a       2       n/a       n/a  
D J Gallagher (1)
    4       n/a       n/a       3       n/a  
D H Gunning (1)
    4       3       n/a       3       n/a  
M H Macpherson
    4       3       n/a       n/a       1  
M D Perrott
    4       3       2       n/a       1  
(1) appointed 12 April 2005
(e)   Principal Activities
    The principal activities of the Consolidated Entity during the year were management, exploration and mining of mineral resources.
(f)   Results
    The Consolidated Entity’s net profit attributable to members of the parent entity was $84,242 thousand (2004: $32,205 thousand)
(g)   Dividends
    After completion of the Cleveland-Cliffs acquisition, your Board met four times in 2005 since the acquisition and reviewed the financial status of the company and took no actions on dividends.
    In respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2004 an interim dividend of 4.5 cents per share fully franked was paid to the holders of fully paid ordinary shares on 1 October 2004.
(h)   Review of Operations
    A review of the Consolidated Entity’s operations and the results of those operations are included in pages 6 to 13 of this report.
(i)   Significant changes in the state of affairs
    On 12 January 2005, Cleveland-Cliffs Inc, announced a A$3.40 per share cash takeover offer for Portman Limited which was further increased to A$3.85 per share on 25 February 2005. On 22 March 2005, Cleveland-Cliffs announced they had received acceptances which had increased their voting power to more than 50% and on 19 April 2005, when the offer finally closed, acceptances had been received for 80.45% of the shares on issue.
    There were no other significant changes in the state of affairs of the Consolidated Entity.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 23




(j)   Subsequent Events
    On 31 January 2005 mining contractor Henry Walker Eltin Group Ltd (HWE) went into voluntary administration. Portman utilises the services of HWE for contract mining at its Koolyanobbing and Cockatoo Island Iron Ore projects. The Cockatoo Island Iron Ore project is an unincorporated joint venture between HWE and Portman. As of 1 February 2006, HWE’s mining assets were sold to Leighton Contractors, an Australian based mining and construction contractor, and the Koolyanobbing contract has been assumed by them. Leighton also purchased HWE’s subsidiary that owned its 50% interest in the Cockatoo Island joint venture, and is continuing to manage the operation.
    There has not been any other matter or circumstance that has arisen since the year-end that has affected or may significantly affect the operations of the Consolidated Entity, the results of betfred gamesthose operations or the state of affairs of the Consolidated Entity in subsequent periods.
(k)   Future Developments
    In the opinion of the Directors it is considered that, apart from general details of likely developments referred to in the Review of Operations, it may prejudice the interests of the Consolidated Entity if information in respect of future plans or likely developments in the Consolidated Entity’s operations are disclosed. Therefore, information otherwise required to be included by Section 299 of the Corporations Act 2001 has been excluded.
(l)   Environmental Regulations
    The Consolidated Entity’s Environmental obligations and waste discharge quotas are regulated under both State and Federal law. Performance with respect to environmental obligations is monitored by the Board of Directors and subjected from time to time to Government agency audits and site inspections. The Consolidated Entity has a policy that requires compliance as the minimum acceptable standard of performance, with an objective of surpassing performance obligations in most instances. No material environmental breaches have occurred during the year ended 31 December 2005.
(m)   Remuneration report
    This report outlines the remuneration arrangements in place for key management personnel of Portman Limited and its controlled entities for the year ended 31 December 2005. The key management personnel of Portman Limited during the year were:
Name   Title   Date Appointed   Date Resigned
John S Brinzo
  Chairman   12 April 2005    
Richard R Mehan
  Managing Director   12 April 2005    
William R Calfee
  Non-Executive Director   12 April 2005    
Donald J Gallagher
  Non-Executive Director   12 April 2005    
David H Gunning
  Non-Executive Director   12 April 2005    
Malcolm H Macpherson
  Non-Executive Director   Continuing    
Michael D Perrott
  Non-Executive Director   Continuing    
George F Jones
  Chairman       6 April 2005
Barry J Eldridge
  Managing Director       12 April 2005
Fiona E Harris
  Non-Executive Director       12 April 2005
Richard Knight
  Non-Executive Director       12 April 2005
Shigeru Fujikawa
  General Manager – Marketing   Continuing    
Ron G Graber
  General Manager – Exploration   1 August 2005    
Leo A Kipfstuhl
  General Manager – Finance &
Administration (1) and
Company Secretary (2)
  (1) 16 May 2005

(2) 16 July 2005
Phil S Nolan
  General Manager – Operations   Continuing    
Kevin N Watters
  General Manager — Projects & Engineering   3 May 2005    
Geoffrey T Clifford
  General Manager – Administration and Company Secretary       15 July 2005
Anthony J Schoer
  Chief Financial Officer       30 April 2005
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 24



(m)   Remuneration report (continued)
Included in the key management personnel above are the 5 highest remunerated executives of the Consolidated Entity. The Parent Entity does not employ any executives.
Remuneration Policies
Non-executive directors
The Company’s non-executive directors receive only fees (including statutory superannuation) for their services and the reimbursement of reasonable expenses. The fees paid to the Company’s non-executive directors reflect the demands on, and responsibilities of, those directors. They do not receive any retirement benefits (other than compulsory superannuation). The advice of independent remuneration consultants is taken to establish that the directors’ fees are in line with market standards.
A directors’ fee pool limit of $600,000 per annum was approved by shareholders at the Annual General meeting in 2004 and is currently utilised to a level of $160,000 per annum. This fee pool is only available to non-executive directors as Board membership is taken into account in determining the remuneration paid to executive directors as part of their normal employment conditions. The Board members from Cleveland-Cliffs Inc receive no fees from Portman and are reimbursed for travel expenses for attending Board Meetings. The two independent non-executive directors currently receive $80,000 per annum each. In 2005 Mr. Perrott received additional compensation for the period when acting as Chairman. In 2004 Mr Macpherson received additional compensation for performing business development consulting on behalf of the Board of Directors.
Managing Director and Other Key Management Personnel
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is responsible for determining the remuneration policies for the group, including those affecting executive directors and other key management personnel.
The committee may seek appropriate external advice to assist its decision making. Remuneration policies and practices are directed at attracting, motivating and retaining quality people. Key principles in setting remuneration include shareholder value, market competitiveness and internal relativity and equity.
Cleveland-Cliffs has seconded two key management personnel, Messrs. Graber and Kipfstuhl, to Portman and their costs are charged to the company under a Master Services Agreement executed by the two companies. This results in Portman effectively paying the salary and bonus entitlements of these two individuals in accordance with the terms of the service agreements that they have with a subsidiary of Cliffs. These agreements are governed by the compensation policies of the parent company, which are generally consistent with Portman’s policies.
The remuneration policy for executive directors and other key management personnel has three main components: fixed remuneration, annual incentive and long term incentive.
Fixed Remuneration
Executive directors and other key management personnel receive fixed remuneration including a base salary (inclusive of statutory superannuation) and are provided with a parking bay. Mr. Nolan is provided with a fully maintained company vehicle. They are also provided with a service agreement of no fixed length (except for Mr Fujikawa whose service agreement is renewed annually) that provides them with 6 months (previously 12 months) base salary in the event of redundancy. The Managing Director and Messrs. Waters and Nolan have service agreements containing 12 month payout clauses in the event of redundancy. The two seconded key management personnel do not have redundancy clauses.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 25



(m)   Remuneration report (continued)
Short Term Incentive (STI)
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee links the nature and amount of executive remuneration to the Company’s financial and operational performance. The Managing Director and other key management personnel participate in a plan which provides cash incentives for meeting Key Performance Indicators (“KPI’s”) that include company earnings, operating costs performance and strategic objectives. The Managing Director and other key management personnel are rewarded for the performance of both the area they manage and the group as a whole.
After Cliffs purchase, a consultant was employed to review the Portman STI Plan and proposed changes to align it with the Cliffs Plan. This work was completed and approved by the Board in December 2005.
Because of the above study, specific KPI’s for 2005 were not established for the Managing Director and Key Management Personnel. The Board reviewed the Managing Director’s performance in detail, to determine the level of STI reward for 2005 and approved $175,000. The Board approved the STI payments to the other Key Management Personnel based on the recommendation of the Managing Director, after his review of their performances and approved $59,122, $68,425 and $60,000 for Messrs. Fujikawa, Nolan and Watters respectively.
Long Term Incentive (LTI)
To align the interests of the Key Management Personnel with the long term objectives of the Company and its majority shareholder, the company established a new Long Term Incentive Plan in 2005, which was approved by the Board in December 2005.
The plan covers a three year performance period and is measured on the following factors:
  1. Cleveland-Cliffs Inc performance relative to shareholder return, return on assets, and accomplishment of strategic objectives; and
  2. Portman’s cumulative earnings versus plan.
The Cliffs factors are the same as those used for the Cliffs Performance Share Plan. Portman’s cumulative earnings versus plan was selected on the recommendation of the consultant.
Annual target awards are made to each participating key management personnel, which will be earned over the three year period. For the three year period 2005-2007, the company awards were $150,000, $60,000, $60,000, $60,000, $20,900 and $20,900 to Messrs. Mehan, Nolan, Watters, Fujikawa, Graber and Kipfstuhl respectively.
Retention Payment
To assist the company in retaining key management personnel, retention awards were made to the Managing Director and one key management person. The Managing Director’s award of $425,000, which was approved in April 2005, is payable in two instalments, with 2/3 payable in April 2007 and the balance in April 2008. Mr. Watter’s retention award, which was approved in May 2005, was for $150,000, with $50,000 payable in May 2005, and the balance payable in two instalments, in January 2006 and 2007. The awards are contingent upon the key management personnel’s continued employment at payment dates. Mr Graber and Mr Kipfstuhl have retention payments, which were approved at the effective date of their secondment, and are contingent upon them completing the term of their secondment, equal to $61,475 and $47,131 respectively.
The structure and disclosure of the Company’s remuneration policies for executive directors and other key management personnel are generally consistent with ASX Principle 9.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 26



(m) Remuneration report (continued)
Compensation (paid and payable) to Key Management Personnel
                                    Long-term employee                            
    Short-term employee benefits           benefits                           Percentage of
    Salary &   Short term           Superan-   Long term           Termination   Equity           compensation
    fees   incentive   Other   nuation   incentive   Other   benefits   options (12)   Total   linked to
2005   $   $   $   $   $   $   $   $   $   performance
J S Brinzo (1)
R R Mehan (2)
    412,905       175,000       3,201       11,862       50,000       138,284             180,230       971,482       34 %
W R Calfee (1)
D J Gallagher (1)
D H Gunning (1)
M H Macpherson
    73,394                   6,606                               80,000        
M D Perrott (3)
    87,038                   3,345                               90,383        
S Fujikawa (4)
    229,533       59,122                   20,000                   180,230       488,885       16 %
R R Graber (5)
    58,994       19,205       1,334       7,258       3,445       8,994                   99,230       32 %
L A Kipfstuhl (6)
    136,224       36,417       2,001       17,079       5,167       11,340                   208,228       25 %
P S Nolan (7)
    204,448       68,425       73,078       11,862       20,000       3,274             24,191       405,278       22 %
K N Watters (8)
    228,499       60,000       103,201       11,862       20,000       3,807                   427,369       42 %
    1,431,035       418,169       182,815       69,874       118,612       165,699             384,651       2,770,855          
Non Continuing
G F Jones
    49,131                   3,722                               52,853        
B J Eldridge (9)
    144,138             800       3,862                   755,513       2,819,000       3,723,313        
R Knight
    26,722                   2,405                               29,127        
F E Harris
    27,557                   2,480                               30,037        
G T Clifford (10)
    145,089             1,734       5,792                   374,441       403,850       930,906        
A J Schoer (11)
    102,061             1,067       3,862                   438,882       503,030       1,048,902        
    494,698             3,601       22,123                   1,568,836       3,725,880       5,815,138          
Total 2005
    1,925,733       418,169       186,416       91,997       118,612       165,699       1,568,836       4,110,531       8,585,993          
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 27



(n) Remuneration report (continued)
Compensation (paid and payable) to Key Management Personnel
                                    Long-term employee                            
    Short-term employee benefits           benefits                           Percentage of
    Salary &   Short term           Superan-   Long term           Termination   Equity           compensation
    fees   incentive   Other   nuation   incentive   Other   benefits   options (12)   Total   linked to
2004   $   $ (13)   $   $   $   $   $   $   $   performance
R R Mehan (2)
    289,940       76,831       3,049       11,293             29,119             18,603       428,835       18 %
M H Macpherson (14)
    95,737                   8,617                               104,354        
M D Perrott
    70,331                   6,330                               76,661        
S Fujikawa (4)
    203,500       43,721                                     39,570       286,791       15 %
P S Nolan (7)
    187,953       37,846       69,065       11,293             3,066             20,150       329,373       11 %
K N Watters (8)
    199,002       20,400       3,320       11,148             3,217                   237,087       9 %
    1,046,463       178,798       75,434       48,681             35,402             78,323       1,463,101          
Non Continuing
G F Jones
    113,282                   10,048                         106,000       229,330        
B J Eldridge (9)
    508,707       249,600       3,320       11,293                         119,150       892,070       28 %
R Knight
    70,331                   6,330                               76,661        
F E Harris
    74,329                   6,690                               81,019        
G T Clifford (10)
    211,656       61,864       3,320       11,293                         28,270       316,403       20 %
A J Schoer (11)
    290,746       75,891       3,320       11,293                         22,342       403,592       19 %
    1,269,051       387,355       9,960       56,947             35,402             275,762       1,999,075          
Total 2004
    2,315,514       566,153       85,394       105,628             35,402             354,085       3,462,176          
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 28



(m) Remuneration report (continued)
      Remuneration of Directors and Key Management Personnel
  (1)   The Board members from Cleveland-Cliffs Inc receive no fees from Portman and are reimbursed for travel expenses for attending board meetings.
  (2)   Other long term employee benefits include a retention bonus accrual of $106,250 which is based on 100% probability that the retention target will be met and long service leave accrual of $32,034 (2004: $29,119). Other short term employee benefits include a car parking benefit of $3,201 (2004: $3,049).
  (3)   Includes an increase in salary for period when Acting Chairman.
  (4)   Mr Fujikawa is remunerated in United States Dollars (“USD’). For the purposes of this disclosure all figures have been converted to Australian dollars (“AUD”).
  (5)   Mr Graber is remunerated in United States Dollars (“USD’). For the purposes of this disclosure all figures have been converted to Australian dollars (“AUD”). Other long term employee benefits include a retention bonus accrual of $8,994 which is based on 100% probability that the retention target will be met. Other short term employee benefits include a car parking benefit of $1,334.
  (6)   Mr Kipfstuhl is remunerated in United States Dollars (“USD’). For the purposes of this disclosure all figures have been converted to Australian dollars (“AUD”). Other long term employee benefits include a retention bonus accrual of $11,340 which is based on 100% probability that the retention target will be met. Other short term employee benefits include a car parking benefit of $2,001.
  (7)   Other short term employee benefits include various remote living allowances of $65,700 (2004: $62,700) and a motor vehicle benefit of $7,378 (2004: $6,365). Other long term employee benefits include long service of $3,274 (2004: $3,066).
  (8)   Other short term employee benefits includes a retention bonus of $100,000 of which $50,000 was paid during the year ended 31 December 2005 and $50,000 is based on 100% probability that the retention target will be met and a car parking benefit of $3,201 (2004: $3,320). Other long term employee benefits include long service of $3,807 (2004: $3,217).
  (9)   Termination benefits includes a payout on redundancy of $728,000 for one year’s salary and bonus component and accrued annual leave of $27,513. Other short term employee benefits include a car parking benefit of $800 (2004: $3,320).
  (10)   Termination benefits includes a payout on redundancy of $336,000 for one year’s salary and bonus component, accrued annual leave and long service leave of $38,441. Other short term employee benefits include a car parking benefit of $1,734 (2004: $3,320).
  (11)   Termination benefits includes a payout on redundancy of $408,000 for one year’s salary and bonus component and accrued annual leave of $30,882. Other short term employee benefits include a car parking benefit of $1,067 (2004: $3,320).
  (12)   As part of the acquisition of a controlling interest in Portman Limited by Cleveland-Cliffs Australia Pty Ltd during the year ended 31 December 2005 Portman Limited paid out and cancelled share options, under the existing share option plans. Portman Limited was fully reimbursed for the options paid out by Cleveland-Cliffs Australia Pty Ltd. The 2004 disclosure includes the fair value of the 2004 vesting portion of equity options.
  (13)   The short term incentive for 2004 has been adjusted from the amount accrued in 2004 to the actual cash payment.
  (14)   Includes an increase in fees relating to the period when performing business development consulting on behalf of the Board of Directors.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 29



(m) Remuneration report (continued)
Portman Limited Employee Share Option Plan (Unquoted Securities)
The Portman Limited Employee Share Option Plan (ESOP) was adopted by the shareholders of the Company on 8 April 1998. The ESOP contains Company performance hurdles that must be achieved before options become exercisable.
Under the ESOP options to subscribe for fully paid ordinary shares of the Company may be issued to participants. Eligible employees (being employees, directors or consultants to any Portman Group Company), subject to invitation to participate by the Board of Directors of the Company, may participate in the ESOP.
Each ESOP option may convert to one fully paid ordinary share. The total number of shares granted under this ESOP, excluding any exercised, lapsed or cancelled options, must not exceed 5% of the then issued share capital of the Company on a fully diluted basis (notwithstanding that those shares may for any reason subsequently represent more than 5% of that capital).
Any ESOP option which has not been exercised before the fifth anniversary of its issue date automatically lapses.
The exercise price of each ESOP option will be not less than the weighted average of the last sale prices of the Company’s fully paid ordinary shares on the Australian Stock Exchange over the five trading days on which a sale was effected immediately preceding the day on which the Board resolves to issue the ESOP option.
The issue price of shares issued on the exercise of ESOP options is recognised as issued capital at the date of issue.
Share-based payment arrangements in existence during the period
                                    Fair value
                            Exercise   at grant
                            price   date
Option series   Number   Grant date   Expiry date   ($)   ($)
Issued 2 April 2001
    50,000     02-Apr-01   02-Apr-06     1.153       1.18  
Issued 19 April 2002
    17,000     19-Apr-02   19-Apr-07     2.427       2.40  
Issued 25 June 2003
    421,000     25-Jun-03   25-Jun-08     1.160       1.07  
Issued 29 August 2003
    1,000,000     29-Aug-03   29-Aug-08     1.031       1.27  
Remuneration options: granted and vested during the year
No options were granted as equity compensation benefits to directors or other key management personnel during the financial year.
No options vested during the financial year as all options outstanding at 1 January 2005 were paid out and cancelled by Portman Limited. Portman Limited was subsequently reimbursed by Cleveland-Cliffs Australia Pty Ltd.
Shares issued on exercise of remuneration options
No shares were issued during the financial year to directors or other key management personnel.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 30



(m) Remuneration report (continued)
      Option holdings of directors and other key management personnel
    Balance at   Granted                   Balance at
    beginning   as                   end of
    of period   Remuner   Options   Paid out and   period
    1 Jan 05   ation   Exercised   cancelled   31 Dec 05
2005   No.   No.   No.   No.   No.
R R Mehan
    67,000                   (67,000 )      
B J Eldridge
    1,000,000                   (1,000,000 )      
Other Key Management Personnel
S Fujikawa
    67,000                   (67,000 )      
P S Nolan
    17,000                   (17,000 )      
G T Clifford
    150,000                   (150,000 )      
A J Schoer
    187,000                   (187,000 )      
    1,488,000                   (1,488,000 )      
    Balance at   Granted                   Balance at
    beginning   as           Paid out   end of
    of period   Remuner   Options   and   period
    1 Jan 04   ation   Exercised   cancelled   31 Dec 04
2004   No.   No.   No.   No.   No.
G F Jones
    1,750,00             (1,750,000 )            
B J Eldridge
    1,500,000             (500,000 )           1,000,000  
M D Perrott
    500,000             (500,000 )            
Other Key Management Personnel
G T Clifford
    270,000             (120,000 )           150,000  
S Fujikawa
    250,000             (183,000 )           67,000  
R R Mehan
    167,000             (100,000 )           67,000  
P S Nolan
    117,000             (100,000 )           17,000  
A J Schoer
    250,000             (63,000 )           187,000  
    4,804,000             (3,316,000 )           1,488,000  
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 31



(m) Remuneration report (continued)
      Shareholdings of Directors and Other Key Management Personnel
    Balance   Granted as   On Exercise   Shares   Balance
    1 Jan 05   Remuneration   of Options   Sold   31 Dec 05
2005   No.   No.   No.   No.   No.
G F Jones
    4,750,000                   (4,750,000 )      
B J Eldridge
    657,000                   (657,000 )      
R Knight
    100,000                   (100,000 )      
M D Perrott
    620,000                   (620,000 )      
Other Key Management Personnel
G T Clifford
    20,000                   (20,000 )      
P S Nolan
    33,000                   (33,000 )      
    6,180,000                   (6,180,000 )      
    Balance   Granted as   On Exercise   Shares   Balance
    1 Jan 04   Remuneration   of Options   Sold   31 Dec 04
2004   No.   No.   No.   No.   No.
G F Jones
    3,000,000             1,750,000             4,750,000  
B J Eldridge
    157,000             500,000             657,000  
R Knight
    100,000                         100,000  
M D Perrott
    120,000             500,000             620,000  
Other Key Management Personnel
G T Clifford
    20,000             120,000       (120,000 )     20,000  
S Fujikawa
                183,000       (183,000 )      
R R Mehan
                100,000       (100,000 )      
P S Nolan
                100,000       (67,000 )     33,000  
A J Schoer
                63,000       (63,000 )      
    3,397,000             3,316,000       (533,000 )     6,180,000  
All equity transactions with directors and other key management personnel other than those arising from the exercise of remuneration options have been entered into under terms and conditions no more favourable than those the entity would have adopted if dealing at arm’s length.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 32



(n)   Indemnification of officers and auditors
    During the year, the Company has paid premiums of $195,043 in respect of a contract insuring all the Directors and officers of Portman Limited against a liability incurred in their role as directors and officers of the Company, except where:
  i)   the liability arises out of conduct involving a wilful breach of duty; or
  ii)   there has been a contravention of Section 182, 183 or 184 of the Corporations Act.
    The Company has not otherwise, during or since the financial year, indemnified or agreed to indemnify an auditor of the Company or of any related body corporate against a liability incurred as such an auditor.
(o)   Auditor’s independence declaration
    The auditor’s independence declaration is included on page 34.
(p)   Non-audit services
    The auditor (or by another person or firm on the auditor’s behalf) did not provide any non-audit services during the year and hence the directors are satisfied that the general standard of independence for auditors imposed by the Corporations Act 2001 has been met.
    Details of amounts paid or payable to the auditor for audit services provided during the year are outlined in Note 28 to the financial statements.
(q)   Rounding of amounts to nearest thousand dollars
    The Company is of the kind specified in Australian Securities and Investments Commission class order 98/0100, dated 10 July 1998. In accordance with that class order, amounts in the Directors’ report and financial statements have been rounded to the nearest thousand dollars unless specifically stated to be otherwise.
(r)   Corporate Structure
    The Company is an Australian listed public company limited by shares. It is domiciled in Australia. The company has prepared a consolidated financial report to include the entities that it controlled during the financial years as shown in Note 12 to the financial statements. The Consolidated Entity had 74 employees at 31 December 2005 (2004: 73).
    Signed for and on behalf of the Board in accordance with a resolution of the directors, made pursuant to s298(2) of the Corporations Act 2001.
    /s/ J S Brinzo   /s/ R R Mehan
  J S Brinzo   R R Mehan
  Perth, Western Australia    
  27 February 2006    
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005

Page 33


      Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
      A.B.N. 74 490 121 080
      Woodside Plaza
      240 St Georges Terrace
      Perth WA 6000
      GPO Box A46
      Perth WA Australia
Portman Limited
The Board of Directors
      Tel: +61(0) 8 9365 7000
Level 11, The Quadrant
      Fax + 61(0) 8 9365 7001
1 William Street
27 February 2006
Our ref: H:\and\Clients\070425 Portman Ltd\31 December 2005 \PSR\Financial\2111 Independence declarations under s307C of the Corporations Act 2001.doc
Dear Board Members
In accordance with section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001. I am pleased to provide the following declaration of independence to the directors of Portman Limited.
As lead audit partner for the audit of the financial statements of Portman Limited for the financial year ended 31 December 2005, I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, there have been no contraventions of:
  (i)   the auditor independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 in relation to the audit; and
  (ii)   any applicable code of professional conduct in relation to the audit.
Yours sincerely
/s/ AT Richards
AT Richards
Chartered Accountant
Member of
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 34


  Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
ABN 74 490 121 060
  Woodside Plaza
  Level 14
  240 St Georges Terrace
  Perth WA 6000
  GPO Box A46
  Perth WA 6837 Australia
  DX 206
  Tel: +61 (0) 8 9365 7000
  Fax: +61 (0) 8 9365 7001
Independent audit report to the members of
Portman Limited
The financial report, compensation disclosures and directors’ responsibility
The financial report comprises the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity, a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes and the directors’ declaration for both Portman Limited (the company) and the consolidated entity, for the financial year ended 31 December 2005 as set out on pages 37 to 98. The consolidated entity comprises the company and the entities it controlled at the year’s end or from time to time during the financial year.
The company has disclosed information about the compensation of key management personnel (“compensation disclosures”), as required by paragraphs Aus 25.4 to Aus 25.7.2 of Accounting Standard AASB 124 Related Party Disclosures (“AASB 124”) (“the compensation disclosures”) under the heading “remuneration report” in pages 24 to 32 of the directors’ report, as permitted by ASIC Class Order 06/50.
The directors of the company are responsible for the preparation and true and fair presentation of the financial report in accordance with Accounting Standards in Australia and the Corporations Act 2001. This includes responsibility for the maintenance of adequate financial records and internal controls that are designed to prevent and detect fraud and error, and for the accounting policies and accounting estimates inherent in the financial report. The directors are also responsible for the compensation disclosures contained in the directors’ report.
Audit approach
We have conducted an independent audit of the financial report and compensation disclosures in order to express an opinion on them to the members of the company. Our audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards to provide reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free of material misstatement and the compensation disclosures comply with AASB 124. The nature of an audit is influenced by factors such as the use of professional judgement, selective testing, the inherent limitations of internal controls, and the availability of persuasive rather than conclusive evidence. Therefore, an audit cannot guarantee that all material misstatements have been detected.
We performed procedures to form an opinion whether, in all material respects, the financial report is presented fairly in accordance with Accounting Standards in Australia and the Corporations Act 2001 so as to present a view which is consistent with our understanding of the company’s and the consolidated entity’s financial position, and performance as represented by the results of their operations, their changes in equity and their cash flows and whether the compensation disclosures comply with AASB 124.
Member of
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 35


Our procedures included examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the financial report, and the evaluation of accounting policies and significant accounting estimates made by the directors.
While we considered the effectiveness of management’s internal controls over financial reporting when determining the nature and extent of our procedures, our audit was not designed to provide assurance on internal controls.
The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis.
Audit Opinion

In our opinion:
(1) the financial report of Portman Limited is in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including:
  (i)   giving a true and fair view of the company’s and consolidated entity’s financial position as at 31 December 2005 and of their performance for the year ended on that date; and
  (ii)   complying with Accounting Standards in Australia and the Corporations Regulations 2001; and
(2)   the compensation disclosures that are contained in pages 24 to 32 of the directors’ report comply with Accounting Standard AASB 124 Related Party Disclosures (“AASB 124”).

/s/ AT Richards

AT Richards
Chartered Accountants
Perth, 27 February 2006
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 36


The directors declare that:
(a)   in the directors’ opinion, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable;
(b)   in the directors’ opinion, the attached financial statements and notes thereto are in accordance with the Corporations betfred reviewsAct 2001, including compliance with accounting standards and giving a true and fair view of the financial position and performance of the consolidated entity; and
(c)   the directors have been given the declarations required by s.295A of the Corporations Act 2001.
Signed in accordance with a resolution of the directors, made pursuant to s295(5) of the Corporations Act 2001.
On behalf of the Directors
/s/ J S Brinzo
  /s/ R R Mehan
J S Brinzo
  R R Mehan
Perth, Western Australia
27 February 2006
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005

Page 37


            Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
            2005   2004   2005   2004
    Notes   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Revenue from sale of product
    2 (a)     354,498       195,435              
Cost of sales
            (181,846 )     (112,364 )            
Gross profit
            172,652       83,071              
Other revenues
    2 (a)     3,554       2,319       2,459       1,416  
Other income
    2 (a)     1,994       205              
Shipping and selling expenses
            (35,314 )     (24,184 )            
Marketing expenses
            (1,062 )     (993 )            
Administrative expenses
            (14,811 )     (8,609 )     (844 )     (1,021 )
Borrowing costs
    2 (b)     (2,878 )     (2,600 )            
Other expenses
    2 (b)     (4,318 )     (4,799 )           10,000  
Profit before income tax expense
            119,817       44,410       1,615       10,395  
Income tax expense
    3       (35,575 )     (12,205 )     (452 )     (96 )
Profit for the period
            84,242       32,205       1,163       10,299  
Profit attributable to members of the parent entity
            84,242       32,205       1,163       10,299  
Earnings per share:
Basic (cents per share)
    26       47.95       18.55                  
Diluted (cents per share)
    26       47.79       18.45                  
Notes to the financial statements are included on pages 42 to 98.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005

Page 38


            Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
            2005   2004   2005   2004
    Notes   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Cash and cash equivalents
    5       74,507       17,753       64,454       14,168  
Trade and other receivables
    6       23,523       18,918       210       62  
    7       45,181       27,895              
Other financial assets
    8       4,105                    
Other assets
    9       656       25,175              
            147,972       89,741       64,664       14,230  
Trade and other receivables
    10       1,770       2,045       102,632       130,254  
    11       25,760       18,724              
Other financial assets
    12       953             1       1  
Exploration and evaluation
    13       3,712       1,045              
Property, Plant and Equipment
    14       214,563       154,601              
Other assets
    15       3,111       10,580              
            249,869       186,995       102,633       130,255  
            397,841       276,736       167,297       144,485  
Trade and other payables
    16       50,997       21,881       52       74  
    17       3,729       2,144              
Current tax payables
    3       25,066       3,538       25,066       3,538  
    18       778       608              
Other financial liabilities
    19       3,256                    
Other liabilities
    20             25,174              
            83,826       53,345       25,118       3,612  
    21       40,150       32,911              
Deferred tax liabilities
    3       14,492       13,586       59       9  
    22       10,917       8,148              
Other financial liabilities
    23       2,673                    
Other liabilities
    24             7,692              
            68,232       62,337       59       9  
            152,058       115,682       25,177       3,621  
            245,783       161,054       142,120       140,864  
Issued capital
    25       105,774       105,681       105,774       105,681  
Retained Earnings
            139,166       55,373       36,346       35,183  
            245,783       161,054       142,120       140,864  
Notes to the financial statements are included on pages 42 to 98.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 39


            Consolidated Entity     Parent Entity  
            2005     2004     2005     2004  
    Note     $’000     $’000     $’000     $’000  
Issued Capital
Balance at beginning of financial year
            105,681       106,028       105,681       106,028  
Proceeds from exercise of share options
            93       5,356       93       5,356  
Payment for buyback of shares
                  (5,703 )           (5,703 )
Balance at end of financial year
            105,774       105,681       105,774       105,681  
Hedging Reserve
Balance at beginning of financial year
Opening adjustment to hedge reserve for the fair value of hedges at 1 January 2005
Fair value of hedges
Deferred tax on fair value of hedges
            (8,022 )                  
Cash flow hedges:
Gain/(loss) taken to equity
            (4,312 )                  
Transferred to Income Statement
            (22,340 )                  
Income tax on items taken directly to or transferred from equity
Balance at end of financial year
Retained Earnings
Balance at beginning of financial year
            55,373       38,072       35,183       39,788  
Retained earnings adjustment on transition to AASB139:
Option premium expense
            (641 )                  
Income tax on option premium expense
Dividends paid
                  (14,904 )           (14,904 )
            84,242       32,205       1,163       10,299  
Balance at end of financial year
            139,166       55,373       36,346       35,183  
Total change in equity for the financial year attributable to members of the parent entity
            84,729       16,954       1,256       (4,952 )
Net income after tax recognised directly in equity
            84,242       32,205       1,163       10,299  
Total recognised income and expense for the financial year attributable to members of the parent entity
            103,232       32,205       1,163       10,299  
Notes to the financial statements are included on pages 42 to 98.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 40


            Consolidated Entity     Parent Entity  
            2005     2004     2005     2004  
    Note     $’000     $’000     $’000     $’000  
Receipts from customers
            347,264       186,674              
Payments to suppliers and employees
            (247,669 )     (165,058 )     (866 )     (966 )
Income tax paid
            (13,310 )     (6,984 )     (2,749 )     (37 )
GST received
            23,385       14,104              
Interest received
            2,784       1,894       2,311       1,606  
Insurance proceeds received
Interest and other costs of finance paid
            (2,403 )     (2,208 )            
Net cash flows provided by/(used in) operating activities
    35 (b)     110,652       28,422       (1,304 )     603  
Proceeds from sale of plant and equipment
            144       15              
Payments for property, plant and equipment
            (60,081 )     (38,112 )            
Proceeds from sale of listed investments
Payment for foreign exchange option premiums
            (1,982 )                  
Net cash flows used in investing activities
            (61,919 )     (36,943 )            
Proceeds from share issues
            93       5,356       93       5,356  
Payment for share buy-back
                  (5,703 )           (5,703 )
Proceeds from borrowings
Repayment of lease liabilities
            (2,055 )     (2,687 )            
Amounts received from/(to) related parties
            9,339             (37,851 )     (62,378 )
Repayment of amounts due from/(to) related parties
            (9,339 )           89,348       48,334  
Dividends paid
                  (14,904 )           (14,904 )
Net cash flows provided by/(used in) financing activities
            8,021       (17,938 )     51,590       (29,295 )
            56,754       (26,459 )     50,286       (28,692 )
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial year
            17,753       44,212       14,168       42,860  
    5       74,507       17,753       64,454       14,168  
Notes to the financial statements are included on pages 42 to 98.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 41


Note 1: Summary of Accounting Policies
Statement of compliance
The financial report is a general purpose financial report, which has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Corporations Act 2001, Accounting Standards and Urgent Issues Group Interpretations, and complies with other requirements of the law. Accounting Standards include Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (“A-IFRS”). Compliance with the A-IFRS ensures that the consolidated financial statements and notes of the consolidated entity comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). The parent entity financial statements and notes also comply with IFRS except for the disclosure requirements in IAS 32 “Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation” as the Australian equivalent Accounting Standard, AASB 132 “Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation” does not require such disclosures to be presented by the parent entity where its separate financial statements are presented together with the consolidated financial statements of the consolidated entity.
The financial statements were authorised for issue by the directors on 27 February 2006.
Basis of preparation
The financial report has been prepared on the basis of historical cost. Cost is based on the fair values of the consideration given in exchange for assets.
In the application of A-IFRS management is required to make judgements, estimates and assumptions about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstance, the results of which form the basis of making the judgements. Actual results may differ from these estimates. The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period, or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.
Judgements made by management in the application of A-IFRS that have significant effects on the financial statements and estimates with a significant risk of material adjustments in the next year are disclosed, where applicable, in the relevant notes to the financial statements.
Accounting policies are selected and applied in a manner which ensures that the resulting financial information satisfies the concepts of relevance and reliability, thereby ensuring that the substance of the underlying transactions or other events is reported.
The consolidated entity changed its accounting policies on 1 January 2005 to comply with A-IFRS. The transition to A-IFRS is accounted for in accordance with Accounting Standard AASB 1 ‘First-time Adoption of Australian Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards’, with 1 January 2004 as the date of transition. An explanation of how the transition from superseded policies to A-IFRS has affected the company’s and consolidated entity’s financial position, financial performance and cash flows is discussed in note 1(t).
The accounting policies set out below have been applied in preparing the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2005, the comparative information presented in these financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2004, and in the preparation of the opening A-IFRS balance sheet at 1 January 2004 (as disclosed in note 39), the consolidated entity’s date of transition, except for the accounting policies in respect of financial instruments. The consolidated entity has not restated comparative information for financial instruments, including derivatives, as permitted under the first-time adoption transitional provisions. The accounting policies for financial instruments applicable to the comparative information and the impact of changes in these accounting policies on 1 January 2005, the date of transition for financial instruments, is discussed further in note 1(t).
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 42


Note 1. Summary of Accounting Policies (continued)
The following significant accounting policies have been adopted in the preparation and presentation of the financial report:
(a)   Borrowings
    Borrowings are recorded initially at fair value, net of transaction costs. Subsequent to initial recognition, borrowings are measured at amortised cost with any difference between the initial recognised amount and the redemption value being recognised in the Income Statement over the period of the borrowing using the effective interest rate method.
(b)   Borrowing costs
    Borrowing costs are expensed as incurred except for those borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset which are capitalised as part of the cost of that asset.
(c)   Cash and cash equivalents
    Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, cash in banks and investments in money market instruments, net of outstanding bank overdrafts.
(d)   Derivative financial instruments
    The consolidated entity enters into a variety of derivative financial instruments to manage its exposure to foreign exchange risk, including forward foreign exchange contracts, Australian Dollar call options, collars and convertible collars. Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value on the date a derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently remeasured to their fair value at each reporting date. The resulting gain or loss is recognised in the Income Statement immediately, unless the derivative is designated and effective as a hedging instrument, in which event, the timing of the recognition in the Income Statement depends on the nature of the hedge relationship. The consolidated entity designates certain derivatives as either hedges of the fair value of recognised assets or liabilities or firm commitments (fair value hedges) or as hedges of highly probable forecast transactions (cash flow hedges).
    Cash Flow Hedge
The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as cash flow hedges are deferred in equity. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognised immediately in the Income Statement. Amounts deferred in equity are recycled in the Income Statement in the periods when the hedged item is recognised in the Income Statement. However, when the forecast transaction that is hedged results in the recognition of a non-financial asset or a non-financial liability, the gains and losses previously deferred in equity are transferred from equity and included in the initial measurement of the cost of the asset or liability. Hedge accounting is discontinued when the hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated, or exercised, or no longer qualifies for hedge accounting. At that time, any cumulative gain or loss deferred in equity remains in equity and is recognised when the forecast transaction is ultimately recognised in the Income Statement. When a forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss that was deferred in equity is recognised immediately in the Income Statement.
    Time value relating to call options and collars (with or without knockouts on the floors) is excluded from the hedging designation and documentation requirements and hence is recognised immediately in the Income Statement.
    Derivatives that do not qualify for hedge accounting
Where derivative instruments do not qualify for hedge accounting, changes in the fair value of any derivative instruments are recognised immediately in the Income Statement.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 43


Note 1. Summary of Accounting Policies (continued)
(d)   Derivative financial instruments (continued)
    Embedded Derivatives
Derivatives embedded in other financial instruments or other host contracts are treated as separate derivatives when their risks and characteristics are not closely related to those of host contracts and the host contracts are not measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognised in the Income Statement.
(e)   Employee Benefits
    Provision is made for benefits accruing to employees in respect of wages and salaries, annual leave and long service leave when it is probable that settlement will be required and they are capable of being measured reliably. Provisions made in respect of employee benefits expected to be settled within 12 months, are measured at their nominal values using the remuneration rate expected to apply at the time of settlement. Provisions made in respect of employee benefits which are not expected to be settled within 12 months are measured as the present value of the estimated future cash outflows to be made by the consolidated entity in respect of services provided by employees up to reporting date.
    Defined contribution plans
Contributions to defined contribution superannuation plans are expensed when incurred.
(f)   Financial Assets
    Investments are recognised and derecognised on trade date where purchase or sale of an investment is under a contract whose terms require delivery of the investment within the timeframe established by the market concerned, and are initially measured at fair value, net of transaction costs.
    Other financial assets are classified into the following specified categories: financial assets ‘at fair value through profit or loss’, ‘held-to-maturity’ investments, ‘available-for-sale’ financial assets, and ‘loans and receivables’. The classification depends on the nature and purpose of the financial assets and is determined at the time of initial recognition.
    Loans and receivables
Trade receivables, loans, and other receivables are recorded at amortised cost less impairment.
(g)   Financial instruments issued by the consolidated entity
    Debt and equity instruments
Debt and equity instruments are classified as either liabilities or as equity in accordance with the substance of the contractual arrangement.
    Transaction costs on the issue of equity instruments
Transaction costs arising on the issue of equity instruments are recognised directly in equity as a reduction of the proceeds of the equity instruments to which the costs relate. Transaction costs are the costs that are incurred directly in connection with the issue of those equity instruments and which would not have been incurred had those instruments not been issued.
    Interest and dividends
Interest and dividends are classified as expenses or as distributions of profit consistent with the balance sheet classification of the related debt or equity instruments or component parts of compound instruments.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 44


Note 1. Summary of Accounting Policies (continued)
(h)   Foreign currency
    Both the functional and presentation currency of Portman Limited and its subsidiaries is Australian dollars (“AUD”).
    Foreign currency transactions
All foreign currency transactions during the financial year are brought to account using the exchange rate in effect at the date of the transaction. Foreign currency monetary items at reporting date are translated at the exchange rate existing at reporting date. Non-monetary assets and liabilities carried at fair value that are denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rates prevailing at the date when the fair value was determined. Exchange differences are recognised in the Income Statement in the period in which they arise except that:
    exchange differences which relate to assets under construction for future productive use are included in the cost of those assets where they are regarded as an adjustment to interest costs on foreign currency borrowings;
    exchange differences on transactions entered into in order to hedge certain foreign currency risks (refer note 1(d)).
(i)   Goods and services tax
    Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of goods and services tax (GST), except:
    where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the taxation authority, it is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of an asset or as part of an item of expense; or
    for receivables and payables which are recognised inclusive of GST.
    The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the taxation authority is included as part of receivables or payables.
    Cash flows are included in the cash flow statement on a gross basis. The GST component of cash flows arising from investing and financing activities which is recoverable from, or payable to, the taxation authority is classified as operating cash flows.
(j)   Impairment of assets
    At each reporting date, the consolidated entity reviews the carrying amounts of its tangible assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss (if any). Where the asset does not generate cash flows that are independent from other assets, the Consolidated Entity estimates the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs.
    Recoverable amount is assessed on the higher of recoverable value and the fair value less costs to sell. In assessing recoverable value, where estimated future cash flow models are used they are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset for which the estimates of future cash flows have not been adjusted.
    If the recoverable amount of an asset (or cash-generating unit) is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset (cash-generating unit) is reduced to its recoverable amount. An impairment loss is recognised in the Income Statement immediately. Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset (cash-generating unit) is increased to the revised estimate of its recoverable amount, but only to the extent that the increased carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognised for the asset (cash-generating unit) in prior years. A reversal of an impairment loss is recognised in the Income Statement immediately.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 45


Note 1. Summary of Accounting Policies (continued)
(k)   Income tax
    Current tax
Current tax is calculated by reference to the amount of income taxes payable or recoverable in respect of the taxable profit or tax loss for the period. It is calculated using tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by reporting date. Current tax for current and prior periods is recognised as a liability (or asset) to the extent that it is unpaid (or refundable).
    Deferred tax
Deferred tax is accounted for using the comprehensive balance sheet liability method in respect of temporary differences arising from differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax base of those items.
    In principle, deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that sufficient taxable amounts will be available against which deductible temporary differences or unused tax losses and tax offsets can be utilised. However, deferred tax assets and liabilities are not recognised if the temporary differences giving rise to them arise from the initial recognition of assets and liabilities (other than as a result of a business combination) which affects neither taxable income nor accounting profit. Furthermore, a deferred tax liability is not recognised in relation to taxable temporary differences arising from goodwill.
    Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for taxable temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries and joint ventures except where the consolidated entity is able to control the reversal of the temporary differences and it is probable that the temporary differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences associated with these investments and interests are only recognised to the extent that it is probable that there will be sufficient taxable profits against which to utilise the benefits of the temporary differences and they are expected to reverse in the foreseeable future.
    Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period(s) when the asset and liability giving rise to them are realised or settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted by reporting date. The measurement of deferred tax liabilities and assets reflects the tax consequences that would follow from the manner in which the Consolidated Entity expects, at the reporting date, to recover or settle the carrying amount of its assets and liabilities.
    Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when they relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority and the company/consolidated entity intends to settle its current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis.
    Current and deferred tax for the period
Current and deferred tax is recognised as an expense or income in the income statement, except when it relates to items credited or debited directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also recognised directly in equity, or where it arises from the initial accounting for a business combination, in which case it is taken into account in the determination of goodwill or excess.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 46


Note 1. Summary of Accounting Policies (continued)
(k)   Income tax (continued)
    Tax consolidation
The company and all its wholly-owned Australian resident entities are part of a tax-consolidated group under Australian taxation law. Portman Limited is the head entity in the tax-consolidated group.
    Tax expense/income, deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets arising from temporary differences of the members of the tax-consolidated group are recognised in the separate financial statements of the members of the tax-consolidated group using the “stand alone taxpayer” approach.
    Current tax liabilities and assets of the tax-consolidated group are recognised by the company (as head entity in the tax-consolidated group).
    Due to the existence of a tax funding arrangement between entities in the tax-consolidated group, amounts are recognised as payable to or receivable by the company and each member of the group in relation to the tax contribution amounts paid or payable between the parent entity and the other members of the tax-consolidated group in accordance with the arrangement. Further information about the tax funding arrangement is detailed in note 3 to the financial statements.
(l)   Inventories
    Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Costs, including an appropriate portion of fixed and variable overhead expenses, are assigned to inventory on hand by the method most appropriate to each particular class of inventory, with the majority being valued on a weighted average basis. Net realisable value represents the estimated selling price less all estimated costs of completion and costs to be incurred in marketing, selling and distribution.
(m)   Joint ventures
    Jointly controlled assets and operations
Interests in jointly controlled assets and operations are reported in the financial statements by including the consolidated entity’s share of assets employed in the joint ventures, the share of liabilities incurred in relation to the joint ventures and the share of any expenses incurred in relation to the joint ventures in their respective classification categories.
(n)   Leased assets
    Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee. All other leases are classified as operating leases.
    Consolidated Entity as lessee
Assets held under finance leases are initially recognised at their fair value or, if lower, at amounts equal to the present value of the minimum lease payments, each determined at the inception of the lease. The corresponding liability to the lessor is included in the balance sheet as a finance lease obligation. Lease payments are apportioned between finance charges and reduction of the lease obligation so as to achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Finance charges are charged directly against income, unless they are directly attributable to qualifying assets, in which case they are capitalised in accordance with the consolidated entity’s general policy on borrowing costs. Finance leased assets are amortised over the estimated useful life of the asset.
    Operating lease payments are recognised as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term, except where another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which Consolidated benefits from the leased asset are consumed.
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Note 1. Summary of Accounting Policies (continued)
(n)   Leased assets (continued)
    Lease incentives
    In the event that lease incentives are received to enter into operating leases, such incentives are recognised as a liability. The aggregate benefits of incentives are recognised as a reduction of rental expense on a straight-line basis, except where another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which benefits from the leased asset are consumed.
(o)   Payables
    Trade payables and other accounts payable are recognised when the Consolidated Entity becomes obliged to make future payments resulting from the purchase of goods and services.
(p)   Principles of consolidation
    The consolidated financial statements are prepared by combining the financial statements of all the entities that comprise the Consolidated Entity, being the company (the parent entity) and its subsidiaries as defined in Accounting Standard AASB 127 ‘Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements’. Consistent accounting policies are employed in the preparation and presentation of the consolidated financial statements. On acquisition, the assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of a subsidiary are measured at their fair values at the date of acquisition. Any excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair values of the identifiable net assets acquired is recognised as goodwill. If, after reassessment, the fair values of the identifiable net assets acquired exceeds the cost of acquisition, the deficiency is credited to the Income Statement in the period of acquisition. The consolidated financial statements include the information and results of each subsidiary from the date on which the company obtains control and until such time as the company ceases to control such entity. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, all intercompany balances and transactions, and unrealised profits arising within the consolidated entity are eliminated in full.
(q)   Property, plant and equipment
    Land, buildings, plant and equipment and mine assets
Land, buildings, plant and equipment and mine assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment. Cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition of the item. This includes the initial estimate of the costs of dismantling the item and restoring the site on which it is located, the obligation for which the Consolidated Entity incurs either when the item is acquired or as a consequence of having used the item during the particular period.
    In the event that settlement of all or part of the purchase consideration is deferred, cost is determined by discounting the amounts payable in the future to their present value as at the date of acquisition.
    Depreciation is provided on property, plant and equipment, including freehold buildings but excluding land. Depreciation is calculated on a straight line or production output basis so as to write off the net cost or other revalued amount of each asset over its expected useful life to its estimated residual value. The estimated useful lives, residual values and depreciation method is reviewed at the end of each annual reporting period.
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Note 1. Summary of Accounting Policies (continued)
(q) Property, plant and equipment (continued)
Major depreciation periods are as follows:
Asset Class   Basis   2005   2004
Plant and equipment
  Straight Line   5 – 13 years   5 – 13 years
Plant and equipment and Mine Assets
  Production Output                
Motor vehicles, furniture & equipment
  Straight Line   3 - 5 years   3 - 5 years
Exploration and evaluation
Costs incurred during exploration and evaluation related to an area of interest are accumulated. Costs are carried forward provided such costs are expected to be recouped through successful development, or by sale, or where exploration and evaluation activities have not at balance date reached a stage to allow a reasonable assessment regarding the existence of economically recoverable reserves. In these instances the entity must have rights of tenure to the area of interest and must be continuing to undertake exploration operations in the area.
These assets are considered for impairment on a six monthly basis, depending on the existence of impairment indicators including:
    the period for which the Consolidated Entity has the right to explore in the specific area has expired during the period or will expire in the near future, and is not expected to be renewed;
    substantive expenditure on further exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources in the specific area is neither budgeted nor planned;
    exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources in the specific area have not led to the discovery of commercially viable quantities of mineral resources and the Consolidated Entity has decided to discontinue such activities in the specific area; and
    sufficient data exists to indicate that, although a development in the specific area is likely to proceed, the carrying amount of the exploration and evaluation asset is unlikely to be recovered in full from successful development or by sale.
Costs carried forward in respect of an area of interest that is abandoned are written off in the year in which the decision to abandon is made.
(r)       Provisions
Provisions are recognised when the Consolidated Entity has a present obligation, the future sacrifice of economic benefits is probable, and the amount of the provision can be measured reliably.
The amount recognised as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the present obligation at reporting date, taking into account the risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation. Where a provision is measured using the cash flows estimated to settle the present obligation, its carrying amount is the present value of those cash flows.
When some or all of the economic benefits required to settle a provision are expected to be recovered from a third party, the receivable is recognised as an asset if it is virtually certain that recovery will be received and the amount of the receivable can be measured reliably.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 49



Note 1. Summary of Accounting Policies (continued)
(s)      Revenue recognition
Sale of goods
Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised when the Consolidated Entity has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods.
Dividend and interest revenue
Dividend revenue is recognised on a receivable basis.
Interest revenue is recognised on a time proportionate basis that takes into account the effective yield on the financial asset.
(t)      Comparative information
The Consolidated Entity has elected not to restate comparative information for financial instruments within the scope of Accounting Standards AASB 132 “Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation” and AASB 139 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”, as permitted on the first-time adoption of A-IFRS. The accounting policies applied to accounting for financial instruments in the current financial year are detailed in notes 1 (a) to (s). The following accounting policies were applied to accounting for financial instruments in the comparative financial year:
(i) Foreign Currency Transactions and Balances
Foreign currency transactions during the year are converted to Australian currency at the rates of exchange applicable at the dates of each transaction. Amounts receivable and payable in foreign currencies at year end are converted at the rates of exchange ruling at year end.
Specific Hedges
Hedging is undertaken in order to avoid or minimise possible adverse financial effects of movements in exchange rates. Where sales are specifically hedged, exchange gains or losses on the hedging transaction arising up to the date of sale and costs, premiums and discounts relative to the hedging transaction are deferred and included in measurement of the sale. Unrealised exchange gains and losses at each balance date are deferred and recognised in the Balance Sheet.
General Hedges
Where hedging is put in place that does not cover specific future transactions the unrealised exchange gains or losses on the hedging transaction that exist at year end are included in the Income Statement.
(ii) Investments
Listed shares held for trading are carried at net market value. Changes in net market value are recognised as revenue or expense in the Income Statement for the period.
Where listed shares have been revalued, any capital gains tax which may become payable has not been taken into account in determining the revalued carrying amount. Where it is expected that a liability for capital gains tax exists, this amount is recognised in the Income Statement for the reporting period.
All other non-current investments are carried at the lower of cost and recoverable amount.
Dividend income is recognised in the Income Statement when receivable.
(iii) Financial Instruments included in Equity
Ordinary share capital is recorded at consideration received. The costs of issuing shares are charged against share capital. Ordinary share capital bears no special terms or conditions affecting income or capital entitlements of the shareholders.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 50


Note 1. Summary of Accounting Policies (continued)
(iv) Financial Instruments included in Liabilities
Loans and bills payable are recognised when issued at the amount of the net proceeds received, with any premium or discount on issue amortised over the period to maturity. Interest is recognised as an expense over the period the loans and bills are outstanding.
(v) Financial Instruments included in Assets
Trade debtors are initially recorded at the amount of contracted sales proceeds. Sales to foreign customers are either unsecured or under letter of credit arrangements, depending on the quality of customer credit.
Insurance claims receivable are brought to account when liability for a claim is acknowledged by the under-writer, at which time amounts receivable from the customer are written off.
Provision for doubtful debts is recognised to the extent that recovery of the outstanding receivable balance is considered less than likely. Any provision established is based on a review of all outstanding amounts at balance date. A specific provision is maintained for identified doubtful debts, and a general provision is maintained in respect of receivables which are doubtful of recovery but which have not been specifically identified.
Foreign currency options and forward exchange contracts are entered into as specific hedges of current receivables and future transactions and are recognised as either an asset or liability. The premium or discount and gain or loss is deferred and included in the initial measurement of the anticipated item being hedged. Where it becomes probable that some or all of the hedged transactions will not occur as designated the deferred gains and losses relating to those transactions that are no longer expected to occur as designated are recognised immediately in the Income Statement.
Bank deposits, bills of exchange, promissory notes, loans, marketable securities and marketable equity securities are carried at the lower of cost or recoverable amount. Interest revenue is recognised over the period the financial assets are outstanding.
Dividend revenue is recognised when the dividends are receivable.
Purchases and sales of investments are recognised on the trade date.
(vi) Payables
Liabilities for trade creditors and other amounts are carried at cost which is the fair value of the consideration to be paid in the future for goods and services received, whether or not billed to the Consolidated Entity.
Payables to related parties are carried at the principal amount. Interest, when charged by the lender, is recognised as an expense on an accrual basis.
Deferred cash settlements are recognised at the present value of the outstanding consideration payable on the acquisition of an asset discounted at prevailing commercial borrowing rates.
The effect of changes in the accounting policies for financial instruments on the balance sheet as at 1 January 2005 is shown below:
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Note 1. Summary of Accounting Policies (continued)
(t)      Comparative information (continued)
    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    31 Dec   Effect of   1 Jan   31 Dec   Effect of   1 Jan
    2004   adoption   2005   2004   adoption   2005
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Cash and cash equivalents
    17,753             17,753       14,168             14,168  
Trade and other receivables
    18,918             18,918       62             62  
    27,895             27,895                    
Other financial assets
          21,225       21,225                    
Other assets
    25,175       (24,059 )     1,116                    
    89,741       (2,834 )     86,907       14,230             14,230  
Trade and other receivables
    2,045             2,045       130,254             130,254  
    18,724             18,724                    
Other financial assets
          5,515       5,515       1             1  
Property, plant and equipment
    155,646             155,646                    
Other assets
    10,580       (7,861 )     2,719                    
    186,995       (2,346 )     184,649       130,255             130,255  
    276,736       (5,180 )     271,556       144,485             144,485  
Trade and other payables
    21,881             21,881       74             74  
    2,144             2,144                    
Current tax payables
    3,538             3,538       3,538             3,538  
    608             608                    
Other liabilities
    25,174       (25,174 )                        
    53,345       (25,174 )     28,171       3,612             3,612  
    32,911             32,911                    
Deferred tax liabilities
    13,586       7,830       21,416       9             9  
    8,148             8,148                    
Other financial liabilities
          472       472                    
Other liabilities
    7,692       (7,692 )                        
    62,337       610       62,947       9             9  
    115,682       (24,564 )     91,118       3,621             3,621  
    161,054       19,384       180,438       140,864             140,864  
Issued capital
    105,681             105,681       105,681             105,681  
          19,833       19,833                    
Retained earnings
    55,373       (449 )     54,924       35,183             35,183  
    161,054       19,384       180,438       140,864             140,864  
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 52


Note 1. Summary of Accounting Policies (continued)
(t)      Comparative information (continued)
The effectiveness of hedging relationships are assessed from 1 January 2005. No adjustment has been made in relation to the ineffective portion of hedges under the superseded policies for hedges which were not considered highly effective before 1 January 2005.
The main adjustments necessary that would make the comparative financial statements comply with AASB 132 and AASB 139 are listed below:
  i.   the recognition and measurement of all derivatives (including any embedded derivatives) at fair value;
  ii.   the recognition in the Income Statement of the movement in the fair value of derivatives which did not qualify for hedge accounting or were not designated as hedging instruments;
  iii.   the transfer of deferred hedging gains or losses recognised as assets and liabilities arising from a cash flow hedge of a forecast transaction to the hedging reserve;
  iv.   the deferral in equity of the effective portion of the movement in fair value of derivatives accounted for as a cash flow hedge;
  v.   the recognition in the Income Statement of the ineffective portion of the movement in fair value of hedging instruments accounted for as a cash flow hedge;
  vi.   the recognition of any current or deferred taxes in relation to the adjustments described above; and
  vii.   the de-recognition of other deferred hedging gains and losses recognised as assets and liabilities.
(u)      Other changes in accounting policies
Early adoption
The Consolidated Entity has early adopted UIG 4 “Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease” effective for the year ended 31 December 2005. The early adoption of the UIG has resulted in the recording of a finance lease as disclosed in note 39 (b).
AASB Accounting Standards not yet effective
The Consolidated Entity has not considered betfred reviewsthe impact on the financial statements for future reporting periods as a result of the revisions to AASB139 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”.
In addition the Consolidated Entity has not considered betfred reviewsthe impact on the financial statements for future reporting periods of the newly issued standard AASB7 “Financial Instruments: Disclosures” which is effective 1 January 2007.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 53


    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005   2004   2005   2004
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Note 2: Profit from operations
The profit from ordinary activities before income tax is arrived at after:
(a) Profit from ordinary items is after crediting the following:
Sales revenue
    354,498       195,435              
Other revenues
Interest received from other corporations
    2,932       1,704       2,459       1,416  
Management fees
    225       136              
Agency Fee
    397       456              
Total other revenues
    3,554       2,319       2,459       1,416  
Other income
Insurance/dispute recovery
Gain/(loss) on sale of investments
          (94 )            
Gain/(loss) from sale of plant and equipment
    77       (2 )            
Unwinding of discount on long term rail receivable
    116       301              
Total other income
    1,994       205              
(b) Profit from ordinary items is after charging the following expenses:
Finance costs
Interest paid/payable to other corporations
    393       60              
Unwinding of discount on rehabilitation provision and rehabilitation receivable
    475       392              
Finance lease charges
    2,010       2,148              
Total finance costs
    2,878       2,600              
Other expenses
Write down of inventory to net realisable value
    853       4,794              
Reversal of write down of inventories to net realisable value
    (132 )                  
Movement in fair value of ineffective hedge instruments and time value on hedging instruments
Write back of provision for diminution of controlled entity receivable
                      (10,000 )
    12       5              
Total other expenses
    4,318       4,799             (10,000 )
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 54



    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005   2004   2005   2004
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Note 2: Profit from operations (continued)
(c) Other disclosures:
Amortisation and depreciation
Mining ventures and tenements
    10,898       7,127              
Plant and equipment
    3,791       2,616              
Plant and equipment under finance lease
    1,745       2,696              
Other expense items
Operating lease charges
    372       368              
Government royalties
    22,017       11,338              
Employee entitlements
    10,057       7,346       262       445  
Superannuation payments
    560       496       19       34  
Note 3: Income taxes
(a) Income tax recognised in profit or loss
Tax expense comprises:
Current tax expense
    37,585       10,915       434       186  
Adjustments recognised in the current year in relation to the current tax of prior years
    (2,748 )     (2,574 )           (108 )
Tax loss transfers
                (32 )     (22 )
Deferred tax expense relating to the origination and reversal of temporary differences
    738       3,864       50       40  
Total tax expense
    35,575       12,205       452       96  
The prima facie income tax expense on pre-tax accounting profit from operations reconciles to the income tax expense in the financial statements as follows:
Profit from ordinary activities before income tax expense
    119,817       44,410       1,615       10,395  
Prima facie tax thereon at 30%
    35,945       13,323       485       3,118  
Research and development uplift deductions
    (391 )     (755 )            
Benefit from tax losses not previously brought to account
          (1 )            
Reversal of provision for diminution on receivable
                      (3,000 )
    21       (362 )     (33 )     (22 )
Total tax expense
    35,575       12,205       452       96  
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 55



Note 3: Income taxes (continued)
The tax rate used in the above reconciliation is the corporate tax rate of 30% payable by Australian corporate entities on taxable profits under Australian tax law. There has been no change in the corporate tax rate when compared with the previous reporting period.
    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005   2004   2005   2004
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
(b) Income tax recognised directly in equity
The following current and deferred amounts were charged directly to equity during the period:
Deferred tax:
Revaluation of financial instruments treated as cash flow hedges
(c) Current tax liabilities
Current tax payables:
Income tax payable attributable to:
Parent entity
    408       127       408       127  
Entities in the tax-consolidated group
    24,658       3,411       24,658       3,411  
    25,066       3,538       25,066       3,538  
(d) Deferred tax balances
Deferred tax liabilities comprise:
Temporary differences
    14,492       13,586       59       9  
    14,492       13,586       59       9  
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 56



Note 3: Income taxes (continued)
Taxable and deductible temporary differences arise from the following:
    Consolidated Entity
    Opening   Charged to   Charged to   Closing
    balance   income   equity   balance
2005   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Gross deferred tax liabilities
Non assessable income
    (709 )     (289 )           (998 )
    (21 )     (1 )           (22 )
Property, plant & equipment
    (1,018 )     (32 )           (1,050 )
Mining, ventures & tenements
    (13,349 )     (2,496 )           (15,845 )
Deferred waste
    (979 )     46             (933 )
    (16,076 )     (2,772 )           (18,848 )
Gross deferred tax assets
    759       98             857  
    232       62             294  
Business Development
    105       (105 )            
    2       (2 )            
Acquisition related costs
    26       1,265             1,291  
Property, plant & equipment
          62             62  
    1,031       (86 )           945  
Deferred foreign exchange
    335       (335 )            
Cash flow hedges (1)
          1,268       (361 )     907  
    2,490       2,227       (361 )     4,356  
Net deferred tax liabilities
    (13,586 )     (545 )     (361 )     (14,492 )
Note: (1) Includes an opening adjustment of $192 thousand.
    Consolidated Entity
    Opening   Charged to   Charged to   Closing
    balance   income   equity   balance
2004   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Gross deferred tax liabilities
Non assessable income
          (709 )           (709 )
    (16 )     (5 )           (21 )
Property, plant & equipment
    (789 )     (229 )           (1,018 )
Mining, ventures & tenements
    (12,639 )     (710 )           (13,349 )
Deferred waste
          (979 )           (979 )
    (13,444 )     (2,632 )           (16,076 )
Gross deferred tax assets
    644       115             759  
    1,546       (1,314 )           232  
Project Pool
          105             105  
    2                   2  
Acquisition related costs
          26             26  
    579       452             1,031  
Deferred foreign exchange
    951       (616 )           335  
    3,722       (1,232 )           2,490  
Net deferred tax liabilities
    (9,722 )     (3,864 )           (13,586 )
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 57




Note 3: Income taxes (continued)
    Parent Entity
    Opening   Charged to   Charged to   Closing
    balance   income   equity   balance
2005   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Gross deferred tax liabilities
Non assessable income
    (19 )     (44 )           (63 )
Gross deferred tax assets
    10       (6 )           4  
Net deferred tax liability
    (9 )     (50 )           (59 )
    Parent Entity
    Opening   Charged to   Charged to   Closing
    balance   income   equity   balance
2004   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Gross deferred tax liabilities
Non assessable income
          (19 )           (19 )
Gross deferred tax assets
    4       6             10  
    2       (2 )            
    25       (25 )            
    31       (21 )           10  
Net deferred tax asset/(liability)
    31       (40 )           (9 )
(e) Unrecognised deferred tax balances
The consolidated and parent entities have estimated capital tax losses, the benefit of which at 30%, have not been brought to account as follows:
    Consolidated Entity
    2005   2004
    $’000   $’000
Capital losses
    15,139       14,571  
The benefit for the capital tax losses will only be obtained if:
(i)   the Consolidated Entity derives future assessable income of a nature and amount sufficient to enable the benefit from the deductions to be realised;
(ii)   the Consolidated Entity continues to comply with conditions for deductibility imposed by tax legislation; and
(iii)   no changes in tax legislation adversely affect the Consolidated Entity in realising the benefit from the deductions for the losses.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 58




Note 3: Income taxes (continued)
Tax Consolidation
Relevance of tax consolidation to the consolidated entity.
The company and its wholly-owned Australian resident entities have formed a tax-consolidated group with effect from 1 January 2004 and are therefore taxed as a single entity from that date. The head entity within the tax-consolidated group is Portman Ltd. The members of the tax-consolidated group are identified at note 12.
Nature of tax funding arrangements and tax sharing agreements
Entities within the tax-consolidated group have entered into a tax funding arrangement and a tax-sharing agreement with the head entity. Under the terms of the tax funding arrangement, Portman Limited and each of the entities in the tax-consolidated group has agreed to pay a tax equivalent payment to or from the head entity, based on the current tax liability or current tax asset of the entity. Such amounts are reflected in amounts receivable from or payable to other entities in the tax-consolidated group.
The tax sharing agreement entered into between members of the tax-consolidated group provides for the determination of the allocation of income tax liabilities between the entities should the head entity default on its tax payment obligations. No amounts have been recognised in the financial statements in respect of this agreement as payment of any amounts under the tax sharing agreement is considered remote.
Note 4: Dividends
    2005   2004
    Cents per   Total   Cents   Total
    share   $’000   per share   $’000
(a) Recognised Amounts
Fully paid ordinary shares
Interim dividend:
Franked to 30%
                4.50       7,876  
Final dividend:
Franked to 30%
                4.00       7,028  
                8.50       14,904  
(b) Unrecognised Amounts
Fully paid ordinary shares
After completion of the Cleveland-Cliffs acquisition, your Board met four times in 2005 since the acquisition and reviewed the financial status of the company and took no actions on dividends.
(c) Franking Account Balance
    Parent Entity
    2005   2004
    $’000   $’000
Adjusted franking account balance
    39,816       3,810  
Impact on franking account balance of dividends not recognised
Income tax consequences of unrecognised dividends
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 59



            Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
            2005   2004   2005   2004
    Note   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Note 5: Cash and cash equivalents (current)
Cash at bank or on hand
            11,646       3,855       1,593       270  
Investments in short term money market instruments
            62,861       13,898       62,861       13,898  
            74,507       17,753       64,454       14,168  
Investments in short term money market instruments are bearing fixed interest rates of 5.78% pa (2004: 5.65% pa).
Note 6: Trade and other receivables (current)
Trade debtors (a)
            18,156       11,415              
Other receivables (b)
            5,367       7,503       210       62  
            23,523       18,918       210       62  
Terms and conditions
(a) Trade debtors are generally non-interest bearing with the majority settled within 30 days from the date of shipment.
(b) Other receivables are non-interest bearing and have repayment terms between 30 and 90 days.
Note 7: Inventories (current)
Supply Inventory
            76       70              
Work in progress (run of mine stocks) – at cost
            30,195       19,282              
Work in progress (run of mine stocks) – at net realisable value
Finished goods (stockpiles awaiting shipment) – at cost
            14,910       7,911              
            45,181       27,895              
Note 8: Other financial assets (current)
Fair value of foreign exchange contracts
    1 (t)     4,105                    
Note 9: Other assets (current)
            656       573              
Hedge contract receivable
Deferred waste removal
            656       25,175              
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 60



    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005   2004   2005   2004
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Note 10: Trade and other receivables (non- current)
Other debtors
- Rail receivable (a)
    1,296       1,596              
- Rehabilitation receivable (b)
    474       449              
    1,770       2,045              
Wholly owned group (c)
Tax related
                27,286       3,412  
                75,346       126,842  
                102,632       130,254  
    1,770       2,045       102,632       130,254  
Terms and Conditions
(a) The rail receivable is non-interest bearing and is due for repayment over 4 years. The current and non-current receivable has been recorded at the present value of the expected future cash flows discounted at market determined risk adjusted discount rates.
(b) Repayable when rehabilitation completed. The receivable has been recorded at the present value of the expected future cash flows discounted at market determined risk adjusted discount rates.
(c) The receivables from wholly owned group companies are non interest bearing and have no fixed dates for repayment.
Note 11: Inventories (non-current)
Work in progress (run of mine stocks) — at net realisable value
    25,760       18,724              
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 61



            Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
            2005   2004   2005   2004
    Note   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Note 12: Other financial assets (non-current)
Fair value of foreign exchange contracts
    1 (t)     953                    
Investments in controlled entities
    (a )                 1       1  
            953             1       1  
(a) Controlled Entities of Portman Limited
    Country of   Percentage Held %   Investments at Cost
    Incorporation                   or Written Down
            2005   2004   2005   2004
                    $’000   $’000
Cockatoo Island Holdings Pty Ltd
  Australia     100       100              
Pelsoil Limited
  Australia     100       100              
Portman Investments Pty Ltd
  Australia     100       100              
Portman Finance Pty Ltd
  Australia     100       100              
Portman Mining Limited
  Australia     100       100       1       1  
Portman Management Pty Ltd
  Australia     100       100              
Portman Iron Ore Limited
  Australia     100       100              
Portman Coal Investments Pty Ltd
  Australia     100       100              
Koolyanobbing Iron Pty Ltd
  Australia     100       100              
Esperance Iron Limited
  Australia     100       100              
All the entities above are members of the tax-consolidated group of which Portman Limited is the head entity.
    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005   2004   2005   2004
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Note 13: Exploration and evaluation
Exploration and evaluation at cost
Gross carrying amount
Opening balance
    1,045       1,751              
    3,564       4,280              
    (897 )     (4,986 )            
Closing balance
    3,712       1,045              
Note 14: Property, plant and equipment
Plant and equipment at cost
Gross carrying amount
Opening balance
    51,863       45,436              
    55,846       6,589              
    (493 )     (162 )            
Closing balance
    107,983       51,863              
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 62



    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005   2004   2005   2004
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Note 14: Property, plant and equipment (continued)
Equipment under finance lease at cost
Gross carrying amount
Opening balance
    45,863       45,863              
Closing balance
    45,863       45,863              
Mining ventures and tenements at cost
Gross carrying amount
Opening balance
    101,896       67,048              
    19,720       29,862              
    130       4,986              
Closing balance
    121,746       101,896              
Total property, plant and equipment at cost
    275,592       199,622              
Plant and equipment
Accumulated depreciation
Opening balance
    (13,902 )     (11,431 )            
    426       145              
Depreciation expense
    (3,791 )     (2,616 )            
Closing balance
    (17,267 )     (13,902 )            
Equipment under finance lease
Accumulated depreciation
Opening balance
    (11,221 )     (8,525 )            
Depreciation expense
    (1,745 )     (2,696 )            
Closing balance
    (12,966 )     (11,221 )            
Mining ventures and tenements
Accumulated amortisation
Opening balance
    (19,898 )     (12,771 )            
Amortisation expense
    (10,898 )     (7,127 )            
Closing balance
    (30,796 )     (19,898 )            
Total accumulated depreciation/amortisation
    (61,029 )     (45,021 )            
Net book value
    214,563       154,601              
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 63



            Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
            2005   2004   2005   2004
    Note   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Note 15: Other assets (non-current)
Hedge contract receivable
Deferred foreign exchange loss
Prepaid option expense
Deferred waste removal
            3,111       2,719              
            3,111       10,580              
Note 16: Trade and other payables (current)
Trade creditors and accruals
            50,997       21,881       52       74  
 Terms and Conditions
  (a) Trade creditors and accruals are non-interest bearing and are normally settled on 30 day terms.
Note 17: Borrowings (current)
Finance lease liabilities — port equipment
    31       2,288       2,082              
Finance lease liabilities — rail wagons
    31             62              
Customer borrowings
    33       1,441                    
            3,729       2,144              
Note 18: Provisions (current)
Employee benefits
    29       778       608              
Note 19: Other financial liabilities (current)
Fair value of foreign exchange contracts
    1 (t)     3,256                    
Note 20: Other liabilities (current)
Deferred foreign exchange gain on hedge contracts
    1 (t)           24,059              
Deferred foreign exchange gain on pre-delivery into designated hedge contracts
    1 (t)           1,115              
Note 21: Borrowings (non-current)
Finance lease liabilities — port equipment
    31       30,712       32,911              
Customer borrowings
    33       9,438                    
            40,150       32,911              
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 64



            Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
            2005   2004   2005   2004
    Note   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Note 22: Provisions (non-current)
Employee benefits
    29       203       176              
Decommissioning costs
Opening balance
            7,972       4,211              
Additional provisions recognised
            2,612       3,625              
            (370 )     (280 )                
Unwinding of discount
            500       416              
            10,714       7,972              
            10,917       8,148                
Note 23: Other financial liabilities (non-current)
Fair value of foreign exchange contracts
    1 (t)     2,673                    
Note 24: Other liabilities (non-current)
Deferred foreign exchange gain on hedge contracts
    1 (t)           7,523              
Hedge contract payable
    1 (t)           169              
Note 25: Issued capital
175,690,073 fully paid ordinary shares (2004: 175,613,073)
            105,774       105,681       105,774       105,681  
    2005   2004
    No.           No.    
    ‘000   $’000   ‘000   $’000
Fully paid ordinary shares
Balance at beginning of financial year
    175,613       105,681       174,426       106,028  
Options exercised
    77       93       4,962       5,356  
Share buy-back (i)
                (3,775 )     (5,703 )
Balance at end of financial year
    175,690       105,774       175,613       105,681  
(i)   During 2004 Portman Limited undertook an on-market share buy-back as part of a capital management initiative designed to optimise the Company’s capital structure and enhance returns to equity holders. As a result 3,775,137 fully paid ordinary shares were bought back by Portman Limited at a weighted average price of $1.51. The total cost of the buy-back was $5,702,929, which was all debited to the issued capital account.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 65



Note 25: Issued capital (continued)
Share Options
Employee Share Option Plan, Non Employee Share Option Plan and Directors’ Options
Details of options issued, cancelled and exercised during the year and options outstanding at 31 December 2005 are included in Note 29.
Terms and Conditions of Issued Capital
Ordinary shares
Ordinary shares have the right to receive dividends as declared and, in the event of winding up the company, to participate in the proceeds from the sale of all surplus assets in proportion to the number of and amounts paid up on shares held. Ordinary shares entitle their holder to one vote, either in person or by proxy, at a meeting of the Company.
Changes to the then Corporations Law abolished the authorised capital and par value concept in relation to share capital from 1 July 1998. Therefore, the company does not have a limited amount of authorised capital and issued shares do not have a par value.
Note 26: Earnings per share
    Consolidated Entity
    2005   2004
    $’000   $’000
Basic earnings per share – cents
    47.95       18.55  
Diluted earnings per share – cents
    47.79       18.45  
The following reflects the income and share data used in the calculations of basic and diluted earnings per share:
(a) Income data
Profit for the period
    84,242       32,205  
Earnings used in calculating basic and diluted earnings per share
    84,242       32,205  
(b) Share data
    2005   2004
    Number of   Number of
    Shares   Shares
Weighted average number of ordinary shares used in calculating basic earnings per share:
    175,686,446       173,612,937  
Effect of dilutive securities:
Share options
    570,945       894,323  
Adjusted weighted average number of ordinary shares used in calculating diluted earnings per share:
    176,257,391       174,507,260  
Portman Limited Financial Statements   Page 66



Note 26: Earnings per share (continued)
(c) Non dilutive potential ordinary shares
There are no non dilutive potential ordinary shares as at 31 December 2005.
(d) Converted, lapsed or cancelled potential ordinary shares
There are no converted, lapsed or cancelled potential ordinary shares included in the calculation of diluted earnings per share as at 31 December 2005.
(e) Conversions, calls, subscription or issues after 31 December 2005
Since the end of the financial year no new ordinary shares have been issued.
(f) Options
There are no options outstanding as at 31 December 2005.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 67



Note 27: Interests in jointly controlled operations
(a) The Consolidated Entity has an interest in a jointly controlled operation as follows:
Name of Entity   Principal Activity   Output Interest
            2005   2004
            %   %
Cockatoo Island Joint Venture
  Iron ore mIning     50       50  
(b) Cockatoo Island Joint Venture net assets
The Consolidated Entity’s share of the assets and liabilities of the joint venture which has been included in the financial statements is:
    Consolidated Entity
    2005   2004
    $’000   $’000
    379       136  
    2,029       1,419  
    2,408       1,555  
    474       449  
Property, Plant and Equipment
    8,856       11,529  
    9,330       11,978  
    11,738       13,533  
    826       144  
    3,204       1,976  
Deferred foreign exchange gain
    3,204       2,095  
    4,030       2,239  
    7,708       11,294  
For details of capital expenditure commitments and contingent liabilities relating to the joint venture refer to Notes 31 and 32 respectively.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 68



Note 28: Remuneration of auditors
    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005   2004   2005   2004
    $   $   $   $
Auditor of the parent entity – Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Audit or review of the financial report
Other audit services
International Financial Reporting Standards
Other auditors – Ernst & Young
Audit of the financial report
    25,324       72,049              
Other audit services
International Financial Reporting Standards
    36,512       13,112              
Taxation services
    81,811       85,024              
Research and Development
    42,500       81,998              
    124,311       167,022              
Other non-audit services
Calculation review of Corporate Financial Model
Review of Executive Bonus calculations
Cliffs acquisition related services
    197,647       282,183              
Other auditors – KPMG
Other non-audit services
International Financial Reporting Standards
    4,160       10,200              
Risk Management Review
Business Development
    44,160       45,200              
    565,607       327,383              
All amounts shown above are exclusive of Goods & Services Tax (GST). The prior year comparative has been adjusted to exclude GST.
During the year the auditor of Portman Limited and its controlled entities changed from Ernst & Young to Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.
No non audit services were provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu during the year and therefore the Company is satisfied that independence has not been impaired with regard to the audit services provided.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 69



Note 29: Employee entitlements and share options
    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005   2004   2005   2004
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Provision for employee entitlements – current
    778       608              
Provision for employee entitlements – non current
    203       176              
    981       784              
The number of employees as at year end
    74       73              
Portman Limited Employee Option Plans
Portman Limited previously had two employee option plans in existence. The Employee Option Plan (EOP) and the Employee Share Option Plan (ESOP). All options issued under the Portman Limited Employee Option Plan (EOP) have been exercised, have expired or have been cancelled. The Portman Limited Employee Share Option Plan (ESOP) is the only plan now operating.
In addition, Portman has issued options called Directors’ Options that are not under, but are subject to the rules of, the ESOP and Non ESOP Options that are separate entirely from the ESOP.
Portman Limited Employee Share Option Plan (Unquoted Securities)
The Portman Limited Employee Share Option Plan (ESOP) was adopted by the shareholders of the Company on 8 April 1998 to effectively replace the EOP referred to above. The ESOP contains Company performance hurdles that must be achieved before options become exercisable.
Under the ESOP options to subscribe for fully paid ordinary shares of the Company may be issued to participants. Eligible employees (being employees, directors or consultants to any Portman Group Company), subject to invitation to participate by the Board of Directors of the Company, may participate in the ESOP.
Each ESOP option may convert to one fully paid ordinary share. The total number of shares granted under this ESOP, excluding any exercised, lapsed or cancelled options, must not exceed 5% of the then issued share capital of the Company on a fully diluted basis (notwithstanding that those shares may for any reason subsequently represent more than 5% of that capital).
Any ESOP option which has not been exercised before the fifth anniversary of its issue date automatically lapses.
The exercise price of each ESOP option will be not less than the weighted average of the last sale prices of the Company’s fully paid ordinary shares on the Australian Stock Exchange over the five trading days on which a sale was effected immediately preceding the day on which the Board resolves to issue the ESOP option.
The issue price of shares issued on the exercise of ESOP options is recognised as issued capital at the date of issue.
As part of the acquisition of a controlling interest in Portman Limited by Cleveland-Cliffs Australia Pty Ltd during the year ended 31 December 2005, Portman Limited paid out and cancelled 4,378,433 share options, which equated to $9,338,642, under the existing share option plans. Portman Limited was fully reimbursed for the options paid out by Cleveland-Cliffs Australia Pty Ltd.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 70



Note 29: Employee entitlements and share options (continued)
Information with respect to options granted under the employee share option plan, non employee share option plan and director option plan is summarised below:
            2005   2004
            Number of   Weighted   Number of   Weighted
            Options   average   options   Average
                    exercise           Exercise
                    price           Price
Balance at beginning of year
    29 (b)     4,995,433       1.75       10,124,931       1.31  
- granted
    29 (c)                        
- forfeited
- cancelled
            (4,918,433 )     1.76       (167,000 )     1.03  
- exercised
    29 (d)     (77,000 )     1.20       (4,962,498 )     1.08  
Balance at end of year
    29 (e)                 4,995,433       1.75  
Exercisable at end of year
                        2,288,766       1.90  
(a)   Options arrangements in existence during the period
Option series   Number   Grant date   Expiry date   Exercise   Fair value
                            price   at grant
                            ($)   date
Issued 1 March 2001
    67,000     01-Mar-01   01-Mar-06     1.013       1.27  
Issued 2 April 2001
    141,667     02-Apr-01   02-Apr-06     1.153       1.18  
Issued 19 April 2002
    845,000     19-Apr-02   19-Apr-07     2.427       2.40  
Issued 11 February 2002
    250,000     11-Feb-02   11-Feb-07     1.765       1.81  
Issued 25 June 2003
    421,000     25-Jun-03   25-Jun-08     1.160       1.07  
Issued 29 January 2001
    20,766     29-Jan-01   29-Jan-06     1.290       1.28  
Issued 1 October 2002
    750,000     01-Oct-02   01-Oct-07     1.919       1.25  
Issued 29 August 2003
    1,000,000     29-Aug-03   29-Aug-08     1.031       1.27  
Issued 24 May 2001
    500,000     24-May-01   24-May-06     1.227       1.25  
Issued 19 April 2002
    1,000,000     19-Apr-02   19-Apr-07     2.427       2.40  
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 71



Note 29: Employee entitlements and share options (continued)
(b) Options held at the beginning of the reporting period
The following table summarises information about options held by employees as at 1 January 2005:
    Number of           Vesting           Weighted
Plan Type   Options   Grant date   date   Expiry date   average
    67,000     01-Mar-01   01-Mar-02   01-Mar-06     1.013  
    141,667     02-Apr-01   02-Apr-02   02-Apr-06     1.153  
    845,000     19-Apr-02   19-Apr-03   19-Apr-07     2.427  
    250,000     11-Feb-02   11-Feb-03   11-Feb-07     1.765  
    421,000     25-Jun-03   25-Jun-04   25-Jun-08     1.160  
    20,766     29-Jan-01   29-Jan-02   29-Jan-06     1.290  
    750,000     01-Oct-02   01-Oct-03   01-Oct-07     1.919  
    1,000,000     29-Aug-03   29-Aug-04   29-Aug-08     1.031  
Directors’ Options
    500,000     24-May-01   24-May-02   24-May-06     1.227  
Directors‘ Options
    1,000,000     19-Apr-02   19-Apr-03   19-Apr-07     2.427  
The following table summarises information about options held by employees as at 1 January 2004:
    Number of           Vesting           Weighted
Plan Type   Options   Grant date   date   Expiry date   average
    50,000     13-Mar-00   13-Mar-01   13-Mar-05     0.700  
    67,000     01-Mar-01   01-Mar-02   01-Mar-06     1.013  
    654,335     02-Apr-01   02-Apr-02   02-Apr-06     1.153  
    250,000     11-Feb-02   11-Feb-03   11-Feb-07     1.765  
    945,000     19-Apr-02   19-Apr-03   19-Apr-07     2.427  
    250,000     21-Feb-03   21-Feb-04   21-Feb-08     1.031  
    550,000     25-Jun-03   25-Jun-04   25-Jun-08     1.160  
    58,596     29-Jan-01   29-Jan-02   29-Jan-06     1.290  
    750,000     01-Oct-02   01-Oct-03   01-Oct-07     1.919  
    1,500,000     29-Aug-03   29-Aug-04   29-Aug-08     1.031  
Directors Options
    1,750,000     10-May-00   10-May-01   10-May-05     0.984  
Directors Options
    800,000     24-May-01   24-May-02   24-May-06     0.924  
Directors Options
    1,500,000     24-May-01   24-May-02   24-May-06     1.227  
Directors Options
    1,000,000     19-Apr-02   19-Apr-03   19-Apr-07     2.427  
(c) Options granted during the reporting period
(i) No options were granted by Portman Limited to employees during 2005 or 2004.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 72



Note 29: Employee entitlements and share options (continued)
(d)   Options exercised
(i)   The following table summarises information about options exercised by eligible option holders during the year ended 31 December 2005:
                                    Weighted   Proceeds           Fair
                                    average   from           value of
                                    exercise   shares   Number   shares
    Number of           Exercise &           price   issued   of shares   issued
Plan Type   options   Grant date   issue date   Expiry date   ($)   ($)   issued   ($)
    67,000     01-Mar-01   13-Jan 05   01-Mar-06     1.013       67,871       67,000       3.49  
    10,000     19-Apr-02   22-Feb-05   19-Apr-07     2.427       24,270       10,000       3.48  
    77,000                                       92,141                  
Fair value of shares issued during the reporting period is the market price of shares of Portman Limited on the ASX as at close of trading on their respective dates.
(ii)   The following table summarises information about options exercised by eligible option holders during the year ended 31 December 2004:
                                    Weighted   Proceeds           Fair
                                    average   from           value of
                                    exercise   shares   No. of   shares
    No. of   Grant   Exercise &   Expiry   price   issued   shares   issued
Plan Type   options   date   Issue date   date   ($)   ($)   issued   ($)
    293,667     02-Apr-01   23-Sep-04   02-Apr-06     1.153       338,598       293,667       2.08  
    50,000     13-Mar-00   23-Sep-04   13-Mar-05     0.700       35,000       50,000       2.08  
    33,000     25-Jun-03   23-Sep-04   25-Jun-08     1.160       38,280       33,000       2.08  
    59,000     25-Jun-03   28-Oct-04   25-Jun-08     1.160       68,440       59,000       2.48  
    37,000     25-Jun-03   03-Sep-04   25-Jun-08     1.160       42,920       37,000       1.83  
    77,000     02-Apr-01   09-Sep-04   02-Apr-06     1.153       88,781       77,000       1.97  
    83,000     29-Aug-03   31-Mar-04   29-Aug-08     1.031       85,573       83,000       1.53  
    5,000     02-Apr-01   02-Dec-04   02-Apr-06     1.153       5,765       5,000       3.00  
    100,000     19-Apr-02   02-Dec-04   19-Apr-07     2.427       242,700       100,000       3.00  
    46,667     02-Apr-01   29-Jul-04   02-Apr-06     1.153       53,807       46,667       1.90  
    67,000     02-Apr-01   12-Aug-04   02-Apr-06     1.153       77,251       67,000       1.94  
    23,334     02-Apr-01   15-Apr-04   02-Apr-06     1.153       26,904       23,334       1.48  
Directors Options
    1,000,000     24-May-01   03-Sep-04   24-May-06     1.227       1,227,000       1,000,000       1.83  
Directors Options
    1,750,000     10-May-00   03-Sep-04   10-May-05     0.984       1,722,000       1,750,000       1.83  
Directors Options
    200,000     24-May-01   05-Aug-04   24-May-06     0.924       184,800       200,000       2.05  
Directors Options
    300,000     24-May-01   22-Jul-04   24-May-06     0.924       277,200       300,000       1.90  
Directors Options
    300,000     24-May-01   25-Mar-04   24-May-06     0.924       277,200       300,000       1.56  
    500,000     29-Aug-03   03-Sep-04   29-Aug-08     1.031       515,500       500,000       1.83  
    37,830     29-Jan-01   04-Nov-04   29-Jan-06     1.290       48,801       37,830       2.46  
    4,962,498                                       5,356,520                  
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 73



Note 29: Employee entitlements and share options (continued)
(e) Options held as at the end of the reporting date
There were no options held by eligible option holders as at 31 December 2005.
Superannuation Commitments
The employer contributes in accordance with the Government Superannuation Guarantee Legislation.
    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005   2004   2005   2004
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Note 30: Capitalised borrowing costs
Borrowing costs capitalised during the financial year
Weighted average capitalisation rate
    5.0 %                  
Note 31: Commitments for expenditure
(a) Capital Commitments
Property, Plant & Equipment
Not longer than 1 year
    14,598       40,214              
Longer than 1 year and not longer than 5 years
Longer than 5 years
    14,598       40,214              
(b) Operating Lease Commitments
Operating lease commitments contracted for at year end but not provided for in the financial statements
Not longer than 1 year
    412       412              
Longer than 1 year and not longer than 5 years
    2,153       2,027              
Longer than 5 years
    907       1,445              
    3,472       3,884              
Non-cancellable operating lease relating to office premises with a remaining lease term of 7 years. Rental payments are generally fixed with inflation escalation clauses on which contingent rentals are determined. Outgoings related to the occupation of premises are included in these commitments.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 74



Note 31: Commitments for expenditure (continued)
(c) Finance Lease Commitments
    Minimum future lease payments   Present value of minimum future lease
    Consolidated   Parent   Consolidated   Parent
    Entity   Entity   Entity   Entity
    2005   2004   2005   2004   2005   2004   2005   2004
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Not longer than 1 year
    4,180       4,153                   2,288       2,144              
Longer than 1 year and not longer than 5 years
    16,367       16,368                   10,131       9,580              
Longer than 5 years
    24,821       28,912                   20,581       23,331              
Minimum lease payments
    45,369       49,433                   33,000       35,055              
Less future finance charges
    (12,368 )     (14,378 )                                    
Present value of minimum lease payments
    33,000       35,055                   33,000       35,055              
Included in the financial statements as:
Current borrowings (note 16)
                                2,288       2,144              
Non-current borrowings (note 19)
                              30,712       32,911              
                                    33,000       35,055              
The finance lease relates to items of plant and equipment with a remaining lease term of up to 12 years, subject to extension not exceeding a further 15 years. Rental payments are fixed. The parent entity has guaranteed the performance of the lease.
(d) Mining Tenements
    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005   2004   2005   2004
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Annual expenditure commitments to maintain current rights of tenure to mining tenements
    1,805       1,763              
(e) Other Commitments
Commitments exist under long term take or pay agreements relating to the rail and port facilities which have been entered into by a controlled entity within the Consolidated Entity. The port contract includes minimum tonnage requirements of 2.5 million tonnes from 2006 through 2015 at an annual cost of $1,250 thousand. The rail contract includes minimum take or pay requirements of 5.0 million tonnes or A$52.9 million, from 2006 through 2012.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 75



Note 32: Contingent liabilities
Contingent liabilities not otherwise provided for in these financial statements are:
1.   The parent entity has guaranteed the lease liabilities of a controlled entity under an operating lease for premises to a maximum of $505 thousand (2004: $505 thousand).
2.   The parent entity has guaranteed the performance of a controlled entity under a long term contract with the Esperance Port Authority for the provision of port services related to the exporting of iron ore.
3.   The parent entity has contingent liabilities in respect of termination benefits which may arise pursuant to service agreements entered into with certain executives who take part in the management of the Consolidated Entity. The maximum amount of the contingent liability is dependent upon the circumstances in which the employment is terminated.
4.   The parent entity has guaranteed the performance of a controlled entity’s obligations under a Farm in Agreement in respect of a petroleum lease.
5.   Controlled entities within the Consolidated Entity have guaranteed the performance of a third party’s obligations to BHP Minerals Limited in respect of mining leases on which the Cockatoo Island Joint Venture carries out mining operations.
6.   Native Title claims exist over the land that the Koolyanobbing Project and Cockatoo Island Joint Venture occupy. Under the Native Title Act the Project and Joint Venture are however protected for all current and future mining operations on existing mining leases. Applications for new mining leases may require agreement with any Native Title applicant regarding compensation before the mining lease would be granted by the Government.
7.   A Section 10 heritage protection application is under consideration by the Federal Minister. This is by a group related to parties who have previously sought to prevent new mine development. None of these particular applicants have demonstrated cultural connection to the area or specific knowledge relating to any sites requiring protection. Following detailed reporting, two previous Section 10 protection applications were rejected by the Federal Minister. Portman considers the potential for the remaining application to cause disruption to operations to be very low.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 76



Note 33: Financing arrangements
(a) Multi Option Committed Facility
The following lines of credit with financial institutions were available at the year end:
    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005   2004   2005   2004
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Total Credit Facilities
Multi – option facility
    40,000       40,000       40,000       40,000  
Drawn Down Portions
Multi — option facility — bank guarantees
    (10,963 )     (8,926 )     (10,963 )     (8,926 )
Net Unused Credit Facilities
Multi — option facility
    29,037       31,074       29,037       31,074  
The unused facilities at year end are available for any use within the Consolidated Entity. The $40,000 thousand Multi-option facility is subject to annual review and is secured by a Cleveland-Cliffs Inc guarantee.
(b) Customer funding
During the year the Consolidated Entity received long term funding, in United States Dollars (“USD”), from concluded long term sales agreements to assist with the funding of the 8Mpta expansion of the Koolyanobbing operation. The funds advanced are interest bearing at 5% and are repayable in arrears over five years, with years one to four requiring the repayment of 10% principal plus accrued interest each year and year five requiring the final repayment of the outstanding principal and accrued interest.
As at 31 December 2005 all funds had been received and are disclosed as borrowings in Note 17 and 21. Interest relating to the customer funding of $380 thousand has been capitalised as disclosed in Note 30.
Note 34: Financial instruments
(a) Financial risk management objectives
The Consolidated Entity has the following financial risk management objectives:
i) Foreign exchange
    to reduce the impact of exchange rate variances on the reported annual earnings and operating cash flow; and
    to provide disaster insurance against the currency rising above Portman’s break-even points.
ii) Borrowings
    to reduce the impact of interest rate variances on the reported annual earnings and operating cash flow.
iii) Surplus cash
    to maximise the return on surplus cash, whilst minimising the credit and liquidity risks that Portman is exposed to through investment activities.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 77



Note 34: Financial instruments (continued)
(b) Significant accounting policies
Details of the significant accounting policies and methods adopted, including the criteria for recognition, the basis of measurement and the basis on which income and expenses are recognised, in respect of each class of financial asset and financial liability are disclosed in note 1 to the financial statements.
(c) Foreign currency risk management
The Consolidated Entity uses derivative financial instruments to manage specifically identified foreign currency exposures. The Consolidated Entity is primarily exposed to the risk of adverse movements in the Australian dollar compared to the United States dollar (“USD”) as its iron ore sales receipts are denominated in USD. The primary objective of using derivative financial instruments is to reduce the volatility of earnings attributable to changes in AUD/USD, and to protect against undue adverse movements in these rates. The Consolidated Entity uses the following derivative instruments to manage foreign currency risk:
Instrument   Type of hedging   Objective
Foreign currency options
  Uncommitted   Hedge sales receipts against cash flow volatility arising from the fluctuating USD/AUD exchange rates, by capping the exposure to a rising AUD.
Forward exchange contracts
  Committed   Hedge sales receipts against cash flow volatility arising from the fluctuating USD/AUD exchange rates.
  Committed   Hedge sales receipts against cash flow volatility arising from the fluctuating USD/AUD exchange rates by limiting exposure to exchange rates within a certain range of acceptable rates.
Convertible collars with
a knockout on the floor
  Committed. If knockout occurs then uncommitted.   Hedge sales receipts against cash flow volatility arising from the fluctuating USD/AUD exchange rates by limiting exposure to exchange rates within a certain range of acceptable rates.
The Consolidated Entity hedges a portion of its anticipated future sales for periods up to three years (rolling monthly). The Board of Directors has set the following guidelines for the portion of forecasted export sales that can be hedged:
    Committed Hedging   Aggregate Committed
        and Uncommitted Hedging
    Max   Band
0–12 months
  90%   50% - 90%
13–24 months
  30%   25% - 75%
25–36 months
  15%   15% - 50%
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 78



Note 34: Financial instruments (continued)
All proposals for additional foreign exchange hedging outside the parameters stated above must be submitted to the Treasury Policy Committee, comprising an external independent advisor and three other committee members and then approved by the Portman Board of Directors.
The following table details the foreign currency contracts outstanding as at reporting date:
    Average exchange                   Contract value   Fair value
    rate   US Dollars   AUD   AUD
Outstanding contracts                   2005   2004   2005   2004   2005   2004
Sell US Dollars   2005   2004   $ ‘000   $ ‘000   $ ‘000   $ ‘000   $ ‘000   $ ‘000
Forward foreign exchange agreements
Within one year
    0.7217       0.6654       98,000       104,607       135,798       157,207       1,241       20,538  
One to two years
    0.7293       0.6505       31,500       22,000       43,190       33,818       (340 )     4,242  
Two to three years
    0.7140       0.6752       17,000       5,000       23,811       7,405       52       609  
    0.7224       0.6632       146,500       131,607       202,799       198,430       953       25,389  
Foreign currency options
Within one year
    0.7800             26,000             33,333             161        
One to two years
    0.7800             18,000             23,077             364        
Two to three years
    0.7800             2,500             3,205             68        
    0.7800             46,500             59,615             593        
Foreign currency collars
Within one year
    0.7238 – 0.6703       0.6950 – 0.6500       9,000       5,000       13,427       7,194       367       687  
One to two years
    0.7750 – 0.7125       0.6875 – 0.6400       9,000       5,000       12,632       7,273       (270 )     664  
Two to three years
    0.7750 – 0.7125             11,000             15,439             (357 )      
                    29,000       10,000       41,498       14,467       (260 )     1,351  
Foreign currency convertible collars
Within one year
    0.7900 – 0.7398             26,000             35,145             (920 )      
One to two years
    0.7900 – 0.7398       0.7900 – 0.7398       23,000       26,000       31,089       33,291       (1,237 )     (178 )
Two to three years
          0.7900 – 0.7398             23,000             29,449             (294 )
                    49,000       49,000       66,234       62,740       (2,157 )     (472 )
                    271,000       190,607       370,146       275,637       (871 )     26,268  
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 79




Note 34: Financial instruments (continued)
The following table summarises deferred realised and unrealised gains and losses on derivative financial instruments entered as hedges of future anticipated purchases and sales, showing the periods in which they are expected to be recognised as income or expense as at 31 December 2004. Deferred gains and losses are recognised as a component of the purchase or sale transaction when it occurs, or as other gains or losses when a hedged transaction is no longer expected to occur. These deferred gains and losses are calculated as the mark to market position as at 31 December 2004. The unrealised gains and losses from a mark to market calculation are different to the unrealised gains and losses recorded in the comparative period, which have been measured on a mark to spot basis in accordance with Accounting Standard AASB 1012 “Foreign Currency Translation”.
    Gains   Losses
Consolidated Entity   $’000   $’000
Within one year
One to three years
    5,515       472  
Deferred gains and losses on anticipated future hedge transactions
    26,740       472  
It should be noted that unrealised gains or losses for foreign exchange derivative instruments reflect changes in the underlying foreign exchange rates since the contracts were undertaken.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 80




Note 34: Financial instruments (continued)
(d) Interest Rate
The Consolidated Entity is exposed to interest rate risk as it has borrowed funds at fixed interest rates only. This risk has been managed by entering into borrowings at a rate that is financially tolerable to the company.
The following table details the Consolidated Entity’s exposure to interest rate risk together with effective interest rates as at 31 December 2005.
    Fixed interest rate maturing   Average interest
    in   rate
    Floating   1 year   Over 1   More   Non-   Total   Floating   Fixed
    Interest   or less   to 5   than 5   interest            
    Rate       years   years   bearing            
    $ ‘000   $ ‘000   $ ‘000   $ ‘000   $ ‘000   $ ‘000        
Financial assets
    11,646                               11,646       4.83 %      
Bills receivable/bank bills
          62,861                         62,861             5.78 %
Trade debtors
                            18,156       18,156              
Other receivables
                            7,137       7,137              
Fair value of foreign exchange contracts
                            5,058       5,058              
    11,646       62,861                   30,351       104,858                  
Financial liabilities
Trade creditors
                            50,997       50,997              
Finance lease — port equipment
          2,288       10,131       20,581             33,000             6.60 %
Customer funding
          1,441       9,438                   10,879             5.00 %
Fair value of foreign exchange contracts
                            5,929       5,929              
Employee benefits
                            981       981              
Decommissioning costs
                            10,714       10,714              
          3,729       19,569       20,581       68,621       112,500                  
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 81




Note 34: Financial instruments (continued)
The following table details the Consolidated Entity’s exposure to interest rate risk together with effective interest rates as at 31 December 2004.
    Fixed interest rate maturing   Average interest
    in   rate
    Floating   1 year   Over 1   More   Non-   Total   Floating   Fixed
    Interest   or less   to 5   than 5   interest            
    Rate       years   years   bearing            
    $ ‘000   $ ‘000   $ ‘000   $ ‘000   $ ‘000   $ ‘000        
Financial assets
    3,855                               3,855       4.25 %      
Bills receivable/bank bills
          13,898                         13,898             5.65 %
Trade debtors
                            11,415       11,415              
Other receivables
                            9,548       9,548              
Hedge contract receivables
                            31,582       31,582              
    3,855       13,898                       52,545       70,298                  
Financial liabilities
Trade creditors
                            21,881       21,881              
Equipment hire purchase
          62                         62             6.25 %
Finance lease – port equipment
          2,082       9,579       23,332             34,993             6.60 %
Hedge contract payable
                            169       169              
Employee benefits
                            784       784              
Decommissioning costs
                            8,148       8,148              
          2,144       9,579       23,332       30,982       66,037                  
(e) Credit Risk Exposures
The credit risk amounts do not take into account the value of any collateral or security. Receivables due from major counter-parties are not normally secured by collateral, however most sales are covered by letters of credit. In addition the group policy requires that counter-parties meet certain high levels of credit worthiness and the credit worthiness of counter-parties is regularly monitored. The amounts of credit risk shown, therefore, do not reflect expected losses.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 82



Note 34: Financial instruments (continued)
(f) Net Fair Value Of Financial Assets And Liabilities
As detailed in the following table, the directors consider that the carrying amount of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded in the financial statements approximates their fair values (2004: net fair values).
    2005   2004
    Carrying   Fair   Carrying   Fair
    Amount   value   Amount   value
Consolidated Entity   $ ‘000   $ ‘000   $ ‘000   $ ‘000
Financial assets
Rail receivable
    1,296       1,296       1,596       1,596  
Rehabilitation receivable
    474       474       449       449  
Foreign exchange contracts
    5,058       5,058       31,582       26,740  
    6,828       6,828       33,627       28,785  
Financial liabilities
Finance lease – rail wagons
                62       62  
Finance lease – EPA facilities
    33,000       33,000       34,993       34,993  
Customer borrowings
    10,879       10,879              
Foreign exchange contracts
    5,929       5,929       169       472  
    49,808       49,808       35,224       35,527  
Net financial liabilities
    42,980       42,980       1,597       6,742  
The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the net fair value of each class of financial instrument:
1.   Rail receivable
The fair value has been recorded as the present value of the expected future cash flows discounted at market determined risk adjusted discount rates.
2.   Rehabilitation receivable
The fair value has been recorded as the present value of the expected future cash flows discounted at market determined risk adjusted discount rates.
3.   Foreign exchange contracts
Fair value of forward foreign exchange contracts, options, collars and convertible collars are determined by reference to amounts determined by the Consolidated Entity’s banks.
4.   Finance lease – EPA facilities
Fair value has been determined as being equal to the present value of the minimum lease payments, which is determined at the inception of the lease.
5.   Customer borrowings
The fair value has been recorded as the present value of the expected future cash flows recognised under the effective interest rate method.
Transaction costs are included in the determination of net fair value.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 83



Note 34: Financial instruments (continued)
(f) Liquidity risk management
The Consolidated Entity manages liquidity risk by maintaining banking facilities and borrowing facilities by continuously monitoring forecast and actual cash flows and matching the maturity profiles of financial assets and liabilities.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 84



    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005   2004   2005   2004
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Note 35: Notes to the cash flow statement
(a) Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents
For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents includes cash on hand and in banks and investments in money market instruments, net of outstanding bank overdrafts (if any). Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial year as shown in the cash flow statement is reconciled to the related items in the balance sheet as follows:
Cash and cash equivalents
    74,507       17,753       64,454       14,168  
(b) Reconciliation of profit for the period to net cash flows from operating activities
Profit for the period
    84,242       32,205       1,163       10,299  
Depreciation and amortisation
    16,434       12,439              
(Gain)/loss on sale or disposal of property, plant and equipment
    (77 )     2              
Loss on sale of listed investment
Write back of provision for diminution
                      (10,000 )
Write down of inventory to net realisable value
    721       4,794              
Non-cash interest expense
    475       416              
Loss on borrowings due to foreign exchange
Net tax effect of movement in fair value of cash flow hedges deferred in hedge reserve
    (169 )                  
Dispute recovery
    (1,200 )                        
Option premiums paid
Time value and movement in fair value of the ineffective portion of hedges
Movements in operating assets and liabilities
(Increase)/decrease in current trade and other receivables
    (5,541 )     (7,302 )     (148 )      
(Increase)/decrease in current other debtors and prepayments
    2,147       (5,048 )           190  
(Increase)/decrease in inventories
    (25,043 )     (14,393 )            
(Increase)/decrease in other current assets
    543       (543 )            
(Increase)/decrease in non current trade and other receivables
    300       105              
(Increase)/decrease in other non current assets
    (392 )     (2,888 )            
(Increase)/decrease in intercompany loans
                (23,875 )     (12,885 )
Increase/(decrease) in deferred foreign exchange
    (1,115 )     (1,836 )            
Increase/(decrease) in provision for tax payments
    21,528       1,360       21,528       3,430  
Increase/(decrease) in deferred tax liabilities
    906       3,861       50       11,566  
Increase/(decrease) in other provisions
    633       1,016              
Increase/(decrease) in current trade payables
    12,159       4,141       (22 )     55  
Net cash flows provided by/(used in) operating activities
    110,652       28,422       (1,304 )     603  
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 85



Note 36: Related party information
(a) Equity interest in related parties
Equity interests in subsidiaries
Details of the percentage of ordinary shares held in subsidiaries are disclosed in note 12 to the financial statements.
Equity interests in joint ventures
Details of interests in joint ventures are disclosed in note 27 to the financial statements
(b) Key management personnel compensation
The key management personnel of Portman Limited during the year were:
        Date   Date
Name   Title   Appointed   Resigned
John S Brinzo
  Chairman   12 April 2005    
Richard R Mehan
  Managing Director   12 April 2005    
William R Calfee
  Non-Executive Director   12 April 2005    
Donald J Gallagher
  Non-Executive Director   12 April 2005    
David H Gunning
  Non-Executive Director   12 April 2005    
Malcolm H Macpherson
  Non-Executive Director   Continuing    
Michael D Perrott
  Non-Executive Director   Continuing    
George F Jones
  Chairman       6 April 2005
Barry J Eldridge
  Managing Director       12 April 2005
Fiona E Harris
  Non-Executive Director       12 April 2005
Richard Knight
  Non-Executive Director       12 April 2005
Shigeru Fujikawa
  General Manager – Marketing   Continuing    
Ron G Graber
  General Manager – Exploration   1 August 2005    
Leo A Kipfstuhl
  General Manager – Finance &   (1) 16 May 2005    
  Administration (1) and Company Secretary (2)   (2) 16 July 2005    
Phil S Nolan
  General Manager – Operations   Continuing    
Kevin N Watters
  General Manager — Projects & Engineering   3 May 2005    
Geoffrey T Clifford
  General Manager – Administration and Company Secretary       15 July 2005
Anthony J Schoer
  Chief Financial Officer       30 April 2005
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 86



Note 36: Related party information (continued)
The aggregate compensation of the key management personnel of the Consolidated Entity and the Company is set out below:
    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005   2004   2005   2004
Short-term employee benefits
    2,530,318       2,967,061       263,842       424,010  
Post-employment benefits
    91,997       105,628       18,558       38,015  
Other long-term benefits
    284,311       35,402              
Termination benefits
Share-based payments
    4,110,531       354,085             106,000  
    8,585,993       3,462,176       282,400       568,025  
(c) Key management personnel equity holdings
Shareholdings of directors and other key management personnel
Fully paid ordinary shares of Portman Ltd
    Balance   Granted as   On Exercise           Balance
    1 Jan 05   Remuneration   of Options   Shares Sold   31 Dec 05
2005   No.   No.   No.   No.   No.
G F Jones
    4,750,000                   (4,750,000 )      
B J Eldridge
    657,000                   (657,000 )      
R Knight
    100,000                   (100,000 )      
M D Perrott
    620,000                   (620,000 )      
Other Key Management Personnel                                
G T Clifford
    20,000                   (20,000 )      
P S Nolan
    33,000                   (33,000 )      
    6,180,000                   (6,180,000 )      
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 87



Note 36: Related party information (continued)
(c) Key management personnel equity holdings (continued)
Fully paid ordinary shares of Portman Ltd
    Balance   Granted as   On Exercise           Balance
    1 Jan 04   Remuneration   of Options   Shares Sold   31 Dec 04
2004   No.   No.   No.   No.   No.
G F Jones
    3,000,000             1,750,000             4,750,000  
B J Eldridge
    157,000             500,000             657,000  
R Knight
    100,000                         100,000  
M D Perrott
    120,000             500,000             620,000  
Other Key Management Personnel                                
G T Clifford
    20,000             120,000       (120,000 )     20,000  
S Fujikawa
                183,000       (183,000 )      
R R Mehan
                100,000       (100,000 )      
P S Nolan
                100,000       (67,000 )     33,000  
A J Schoer
                63,000       (63,000 )      
    3,397,000             3,316,000       (533,000 )     6,180,000  
All equity transactions with directors and other key management personnel other than those arising from the exercise of remuneration options have been entered into under terms and conditions no more favourable than those the entity would have adopted if dealing at arm’s length
Option holdings of directors and other key management personnel
    Balance at                           Balance at
    beginning   Granted                   end of
    of period   as   Options   Paid out and   period
    1 Jan 05   Remuneration   Exercised   cancelled   31 Dec 05
2005   No.   No.   No.   No.   No.
R R Mehan
    67,000                   (67,000 )      
B J Eldridge
    1,000,000                   (1,000,000 )      
Other Key Management Personnel                                
S Fujikawa
    67,000                   (67,000 )      
P S Nolan
    17,000                   (17,000 )      
G T Clifford
    150,000                   (150,000 )      
A J Schoer
    187,000                   (187,000 )      
    1,488,000                   (1,488,000 )      
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 88



Note 36: Related party information (continued)
(d) Key management personnel equity holdings (continued)
Option holdings of directors and other key management personnel
                                            Vested at 31 December 2004  
    Balance at     Granted                     Balance                      
    beginning     as             Paid     at end of                      
    of period     Remune     Options     out and     period             Not        
    1 Jan 04     ration     Exercised     cancelled     31 Dec 04     Total     exercisable     Exercisable  
2004   No.     No.     No.     No.     No.     No.     No.     No.  
G F Jones
    1,750,00             (1,750,000 )                              
B J Eldridge
    1,500,000             (500,000 )           1,000,000                    
M D Perrott
    500,000             (500,000 )                              
Other Key Management Personnel                                                        
G T Clifford
    270,000             (120,000 )           150,000       83,333             83,333  
S Fujikawa
    250,000             (183,000 )           67,000       333             333  
R R Mehan
    167,000             (100,000 )           67,000       333             333  
P S Nolan
    117,000             (100,000 )           17,000       333             333  
A J Schoer
    250,000             (63,000 )           187,000       20,333             20,333  
    4,804,000             (3,316,000 )           1,488,000       104,665             104,665  
(e) Transactions with other related parties
Other related parties include:
    the parent entity;
    entities with control over the consolidated entity;
    joint ventures in which the entity is a venturer;
    subsidiaries; and
    other related parties.
Transactions involving the parent entity
Transactions between Portman Limited and related parties in the wholly owned group during the years ended 31 December 2005 and 31 December 2004 consisted of:
(a)   loan advances by Portman Limited — $37,851,001(2004: $62,378,698);
(b)   loans repaid to Portman Limited — $65,473,028 (2004: $44,925,246);
(c)   the payment of management fees by controlled entities — $720,000 (2004: $696,000);
(d)   transfer of tax related balances — $23,874,500 (2004: $3,410,000); and
(e)   guarantees by Portman Limited on behalf of controlled entities — $504,620 (2004: $504,620).
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 89



Note 36: Related party information (continued)
(d) Transactions with other related parties
The above transactions were made on normal commercial terms and conditions, except that there are no fixed terms for the repayment of loans advanced by Portman Limited.
    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005     2004     2005     2004  
Aggregate amounts receivable from, related parties in the wholly owned group at the year end were as follows:
Non current receivables
                102,631,973       130,254,462  
Loans to and receivables from related entities are on an unsecured basis, non interest bearing and with no fixed terms for repayment.
Transactions involving other related parties
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc (“Cliffs’), an iron ore company incorporated in the United States of America, acquired a controlling interest of 80.45% in Portman Limited during 2005.
Transactions between Portman Limited and Cliffs during the year ended 31 December 2005 consisted of:
(a)   payment by Portman Limited for employee services provided by Cliffs — $640,738;
(b)   reimbursement of costs associated with Portman Limited Board and Committee meetings - $132,937;
(c)   payment by Portman Limited for insurance coverage arranged by Cliffs — $225,973;
(d)   a guarantee provided by Cliffs to Portman Limited’s relationship banks for hedging facilities and the committed multi option facility;
(e)   reimbursement to Portman Limited of audit services and other miscellaneous services required by Cliffs — $500,189; and
(f)   As part of the acquisition of a controlling interest in Portman Limited by Cleveland-Cliffs Australia Pty Ltd during the year ended 31 December 2005, Portman Limited paid out and cancelled 4,378,433 share options, which equated to $9,338,642, under the existing share option plans. Portman Limited was fully reimbursed for the options paid out by Cleveland-Cliffs Australia Pty Ltd.
The above transactions were made on normal commercial terms and conditions.
    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    2005     2004   2005     2004  
Aggregate amounts payable to Cliffs related entities are as follows:
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc
Cliffs Reduced Iron Management Company
Loans to and receivables from Cliffs entities are on an unsecured basis with normal commercial repayment terms.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 90



Note 36: Related party information (continued)
(f) Parent entities
The parent entity in the consolidated entity is Portman Limited.
Portman Limited’s parent entity is Cleveland-Cliffs Australia Pty Limited and the ultimate Australian parent entity is Cleveland-Cliffs Australia Holdings Pty Limited.
The ultimate parent entity is Cleveland-Cliffs Inc which is incorporated in the United States of America.
Note 37: Subsequent events
On 31 January 2005 mining contractor Henry Walker Eltin Group Ltd (HWE) went into voluntary administration. Portman utilises the services of HWE for contract mining at its Koolyanobbing and Cockatoo Island Iron Ore projects. The Cockatoo Island Iron Ore project is an unincorporated joint venture between HWE and Portman. As of 1 February 2006, HWE’s mining assets were sold to Leighton Contractors, an Australian based mining and construction contractor, and the Koolyanobbing contract has been assumed by them. Leighton also purchased HWE’s subsidiary that owned its 50% interest in the Cockatoo Island joint venture, and is continuing to manage the operation.
There has not been any other matter or circumstance that has arisen since the year-end that has affected or may significantly affect the operations of the Consolidated Entity, the results of betfred gamesthose operations or the state of affairs of the Consolidated Entity in subsequent periods.
Note 38: Segment Information
(a)   Business Segment
    The Consolidated Entity operates in one business segment – iron ore mining and exploration.
(b)   Geographic Segment
    The Consolidated Entity operates in one geographic segment – Australia.
Note 39:   Impacts of the adoption of Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards
The Consolidated Entity changed its accounting policies on 1 January 2005 to comply with Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (“A-IFRS”). The transition to A-IFRS is accounted for in accordance with Accounting Standard AASB 1”First-time Adoption of Australian Equivalents to International Financial reporting Standards”, with 1 January 2004 as the date of transition, except for financial instruments, including derivatives, where the date of transition is 1 January 2005 (refer note 1(t)).
An explanation of how the transition from superseded policies to A-IFRS has affected the Company and Consolidated Entity’s financial position, financial performance and cash flows is set out in the following tables and the notes that accompany the tables.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 91



Note 39:   Impacts of the adoption of Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (continued)
Effect of A-IFRS on the balance sheet as at 1 January 2004:
        Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
                Effect of                   Effect of    
        Superseded   transition           Superseded   transition    
        policies *   to A-IFRS   A-IFRS   policies*   to A-IFRS   A-IFRS
    Note   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Cash and cash equivalents
        44,212             44,212       42,860             42,860  
Trade and other receivables
        7,199             7,199       252             252  
        20,544             20,544                    
Other assets
        46,542             46,542                    
        118,497             118,497       43,112             43,112  
Trade and other receivables
  a,c     1,701       425       2,126       102,800             102,800  
        16,475             16,475                    
                          1             1  
Asset available for sale
        1,247             1,247                    
Property, plant and equipment
  a,b     90,710       36,660       127,370                    
Deferred tax assets
  c     2,813       (2,813 )           31             31  
Other assets
        11,260             11,260                    
        124,206       34,272       158,478       102,832             102,832  
        242,703       34,272       276,975       145,944             145,944  
Trade and other payables
        17,856             17,856       20             20  
  b     778       1,973       2,751                    
Current tax payables
  c     2,178             2,178       108             108  
        511             511                    
Other liabilities
        49,290             49,290                    
        70,613       1,973       72,586       128             128  
  b           34,993       34,993                    
Deferred tax liabilities
  a,b,c     7,437       2,285       9,722                    
  a     1,766       2,446       4,212                    
Other liabilities
        11,362             11,362                    
        20,565       39,724       60,289                    
        91,178       41,697       132,875       128             128  
        151,525       (7,425 )     144,100       145,816             145,816  
Issued capital
        106,028             106,028       106,028             106,028  
Retained earnings
  e     45,497       (7,425 )     38,072       39,788             39,788  
        151,525       (7,425 )     144,100       145,816             145,816  
*   Reported financial position for the financial year ended 31 December 2003.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 92



Note 39:   Impacts of the adoption of Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (continued)
Effect of A-IFRS on the income statement for the financial year ended 31 December 2004:
        Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
                Effect of                   Effect of    
        Superseded   transition           Superseded   transition    
        policies *   to A-IFRS   A-IFRS   policies*   to A-IFRS   A-IFRS
    Note   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Revenue from sale of product
        195,435             195,435                    
Cost of sales
  a     (111,827 )     (537 )     (112,364 )                  
Gross profit
        83,608       (537 )     83,071                    
Other revenues
  d     3,488       (1,169 )     2,319       1,416             1,416  
Other income
  d           (96 )     (96 )                  
Shipping and selling expenses
  b     (25,686 )     1,502       (24,184 )                  
Marketing expenses
        (993 )           (993 )                  
Administrative expenses
        (8,609 )           (8,609 )     (1,021 )           (1,021 )
Borrowing costs
  a,b     (89 )     (2,511 )     (2,600 )                  
Other expenses
  d     (5,763 )     1,265       (4,498 )     10,000             10,000  
Profit from continuing operations before income tax expense
        45,956       (1,546 )     44,410       10,395             10,395  
Income tax expense
  a,b,c     (13,203 )     998       (12,205 )     (96 )           (96 )
Profit from continuing operations
        32,753       (548 )     32,205       10,299             10,299  
Profit attributable to members of the parent entity
        32,753       (548 )     32,205       10,299             10,299  
*   Reported financial results for the financial year ended 31 December 2004.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 93


Note 39:   Impacts of the adoption of Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (continued)
Effect of A-IFRS on the balance sheet as at 31 December 2004:
        Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
                Effect of                   Effect of    
        Superseded   transition           Superseded   transition    
        policies *   to A-IFRS   A-IFRS   policies *   to A-IFRS   A-IFRS
    Note   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Cash and cash equivalents
        17,753             17,753       14,168             14,168  
Trade and other receivables
        18,918             18,918       62             62  
        27,895             27,895                    
Other assets
        25,175             25,175                    
        89,741             89,741       14,230             14,230  
Trade and other receivables
  a,c     1,596       449       2,045       139,728       (9,474 )     130,254  
        18,724             18,724                    
                          1             1  
Exploration and Evaluation
        1,045             1,045                    
Property, plant and equipment
  a,b     118,299       36,302       154,601                    
Deferred tax assets
  c     2,083       (2,083 )           2,083       (2,083 )      
Other assets
        10,580             10,580                    
        152,327       34,668       186,995       141,812       (11,557 )     130,255  
        242,068       34,668       276,736       156,042       (11,557 )     144,485  
Trade and other payables
        21,881             21,881       74             74  
  b     62       2,082       2,144                    
Current tax payables
        3,538             3,538       3,538             3,538  
        608             608                    
Other liabilities
        25,174             25,174                    
        51,263       2,082       53,345       3,612             3,612  
  b           32,911       32,911                    
Deferred tax liabilities
  a,b,c     11,566       2,020       13,586       11,566       (11,557 )     9  
  a     2,520       5,628       8,148                    
Other liabilities
        7,692             7,692                    
        21,778       40,559       62,337       11,566       (11,557 )     9  
        73,041       42,641       115,682       15,178       (11,557 )     3,621  
        169,027       (7,973 )     161,054       140,864             140,864  
Issued capital
        105,681             105,681       105,681             105,681  
Retained earnings
  e     63,346       (7,973 )     55,373       35,183             35,183  
        169,027       (7,973 )     161,054       140,864             140,864  
*   Reported financial position for the financial year ended 31 December 2004.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 94



Note 39:   Impacts of the adoption of Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (continued)
Effect of A-IFRS on the cash flow statement for the financial year ended 31 December 2004
There are no material differences between the cash flow statement presented under A-IFRS and the cash flow statement presented under the superseded policies other than the reclassification of the EPA port contract from a service contract to a finance lease (refer Note 36 (b)).
Notes to the reconciliations of income and equity
(a) Rehabilitation
Under the superseded policies, costs of rehabilitation work were provided for and treated as production costs. Costs were recognised prospectively over the life of mine based on production. The provision was to be applied against all rehabilitation costs, including reclamation, infrastructure removal and waste treatment.
Under A-IFRS, the costs of dismantling and removing an asset and restoring the site on which it is located is to be included as an element of asset cost with a corresponding provision being recorded. The asset and liability are initially recorded at their discounted value. The asset is then depreciated over its useful life and the provision is increased by the time value of money (accretion) up until the time of closure.
As a result of applying A-IFRS the following adjustments were recognised as at the following dates:
    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    1 Jan   31 Dec   1 Jan   31 Dec
    2004   2004   2004   2004
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Trade and other receivables
    425       449              
Property, plant & equipment
    1,593       3,825              
    2,018       4,274              
    2,446       5,628              
Deferred tax liabilities
    (128 )     (407 )            
    2,318       5,221              
    (300 )     (947 )            
Retained earnings
    (300 )     (947 )            
    (300 )     (947 )            
The effect on consolidated profit for financial year ended 31 December 2004 was to decrease previously reported net profit after tax by $647,000.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 95



Note 39:   Impacts of the adoption of Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (continued)
(b) Finance Lease
Portman has a long term service contract with the Esperance Port Authority for the provision of services by the Port for the management of stockpiles and loading of vessels. In addition, the port built certain infrastructure facilities for the specific use of Portman and charges Portman for this capital cost plus an applicable interest charge over the life of the contract.
Under A-IFRS the infrastructure facilities built by the Esperance Port Authority for Portman are considered to be a finance lease and hence has been accounted for accordingly. The superseded policies contained no specific guidance on the treatment of service contracts such as the Esperance Port Authority and thus a finance lease was not recognised for the port assets. Instead the payments were expensed as incurred.
As a result of applying A-IFRS the following adjustments were recognised as at the following dates:
    Consolidated Entity   Parent Entity
    1 Jan   31 Dec   1 Jan   31 Dec
    2004   2004   2004   2004
    $’000   $’000   $’000   $’000
Property, plant & equipment
    35,067       32,477              
    35,067       32,477              
    1,973       2,082              
    1,973       2,082              
    34,993       32,911              
Deferred tax liabilities
    (570 )     (755 )            
    34,423       32,156              
    (1,329 )     (1,761 )            
Retained earnings
    (1,329 )     (1,761 )            
    (1,329 )     (1,761 )            
The effect on consolidated profit for the financial year ended 31 December 2004 was to decrease previously reported net profit after tax by $432,000.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 96



Note 39: Impacts of the adoption of Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (continued)
(c) Income tax
Under superseded policies, the consolidated entity adopted tax-effect accounting principles whereby income tax expense was calculated on pre-tax accounting profits after adjustment for permanent differences. The tax-effect of timing differences, which occur when items were included or allowed for income tax purposes in a period different to that for accounting were recognised at current taxation rates as deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities, as applicable.
Under A-IFRS, deferred tax is determined using the balance sheet liability method in respect of temporary differences arising from differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and their corresponding tax bases.
In addition Portman has adopted UIG 1052: Tax Consolidation Accounting for the year ended 31 December 2005 in conjunction with A-IFRS. As a result the deferred tax balances of the parent entity have been restated to include only the deferred tax balances of the parent entity.
As a result of applying A-IFRS the following adjustments on the deferred tax balances were recognised as at the following dates:
    Consolidated Entity     Parent Entity  
    1 Jan     31 Dec     1 Jan     31 Dec  
    2004     2004     2004     2004  
    $’000     $’000     $’000     $’000  
    (128 )     (407 )            
Finance Lease
    (570 )     (755 )            
Deferred tax not recognised under previous GAAP – Business combination
    5,573       5,265              
Reclassification of deferred tax assets
    (2,813 )     (2,083 )            
Net increase/(decrease) in deferred tax liability
    2,285       2,020              
The effect on consolidated profit for the financial year ended 31 December 2004 was to decrease previously reported income tax expense by $998,000 respectively.
As a result of applying “UIG1052: Tax Consolidation Accounting” the following de-recognition on the deferred tax balances were recognised as at the following dates:
    Consolidated Entity     Parent Entity  
    1 Jan     31 Dec     1 Jan     31 Dec  
    2004     2004     2004     2004  
    $’000     $’000     $’000     $’000  
Deferred tax liabilities
                      (11,557 )
Deferred tax assets
Decrease in net deferred tax liability
                      (9,474 )
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 97



Note 39: Impacts of the adoption of Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (continued)
(d) Revenue
Under superseded policies, the Consolidated Entity recognised the gain or loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment on a gross basis by recognising the proceeds from sale as revenue, and the carrying amount of the property, plant and equipment disposed as an expense. Under A-IFRS, the gain or loss on disposal is recognised on a net basis, and is classified as income, rather than revenue. Accordingly, the gross amounts have been reclassified within the income statement for A-IFRS reporting purposes.
(e) Retained earnings
The effect of the above adjustments on retained earnings is as follows:
            Consolidated Entity     Parent Entity  
            1 Jan     31 Dec     1 Jan     31 Dec  
            2004     2004     2004     2004  
    Note     $’000     $’000     $’000     $’000  
    a       (300 )     (947 )            
Finance Lease
    b       (1,329 )     (1,761 )            
Deferred tax not recognised under previous GAAP – Business combination
    c       (5,573 )     (5,265 )            
    c       (223 )                  
Total adjustment to retained earnings
            (7,425 )     (7,973 )            
Attributable to members of the parent entity
            (7,425 )     (7,973 )            
Change in retained earnings from 1 January 2004
                    (548 )              
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 98



Shareholding Details
(At 22 February 2006)
(a) The Number of Holders of Each Class of Security
    Number of     Number of  
    Holders     Securities  
Ordinary fully paid shares
    1,426       175,690,073  
(b) Distribution Schedule
    1 to   1,001 to   5,001 to   10,001 to   100,001 &
    1,000   5,000   10,000   100,000   over
Ordinary fully paid shares
    508       668       151       86       13  
There were 18 holders holding less than a marketable parcel ($500)
(c) Substantial Shareholders Notices Given to Portman Limited as at 22 February 2006
Company   No of Shares   Percentage   Date
Cleveland-Cliffs Australia Pty Limited
    141,338,587       80.45     19 April 2005
AMP Limited
    9,009,800       5.13     4 April 2005
(d) 20 Largest Holders of Ordinary Fully Paid Shares
    Percentage   Number of
    Held   Shares
Cleveland-Cliffs Australia Pty Limited
    80.45       141,338,587  
AMP Life/Capital Investors Limited
    5.49       9,651,887  
Paway Limited
    3.82       6,704,474  
JP Morgan Nominees Australia Limited
    2.23       3,910,957  
ANZ Nominees Limited
    2.02       3,554,602  
Westpac Custodian Nominees Limited
    1.93       3,398,182  
National Nominees Limited
    0.53       929,328  
RBC Dexia Investor Services Australia Nominees Pty Limited
    0.32       553,795  
Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited
    0.15       262,041  
Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited (CFSIL CWLTH AUST BOUT 1 A/C)
    0.07       124,435  
Gomery Pty Limited
    0.05       90,000  
Deep Valley Pty Limited
    0.05       79,600  
Irrewarra Investment Pty Ltd
    0.04       73,984  
Mr Brian Ronald Douglas
    0.04       73,525  
ASB Nominees Limited
    0.04       70,000  
Oakley Investments Pty Limited
    0.03       47,000  
Kempsey Timber Pty Limited
    0.02       41,000  
HSBC Custody (Australia) Nominees
    0.02       40,683  
Buckeridge Properties Pty Ltd
    0.02       40,000  
R & M Sutherland Investments Pty Ltd
    0.02       40,000  
(e) Voting Rights
On a show of hands every member present in person or by proxy shall have one vote and upon a poll each share shall have one vote in accordance with the Company’s Constitution.
(f) Stock Exchange Listing
The Company’s fully paid ordinary shares are listed on Australian Stock Exchange Limited and are traded on the Third Market Segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Germany.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 99



Shareholder Information
(At 22 February 2006)
Shareholders with enquiries about any aspect of their shareholdings should contact the Company’s Share Registry as follows:
Advanced Share Registry Services
110 Stirling Highway
  (08) 9389 8033
(618) 9389 8033
  (08) 9389 7871
  (618) 9389 7871    
The Final Dividend
After completion of the Cleveland-Cliffs acquisition, your Board met four times in 2005 since the acquisition and reviewed the financial status of the company and took no actions on dividends.
Direct Payment to Shareholders’ Accounts
Shareholders who currently receive their dividends by cheque may wish to take advantage of the direct deposit system which is available to anyone who has an account with a bank, building society or credit union within Australia. The direct deposit system is prompt and secure. Shareholders who wish to have their dividends paid directly to their account should notify the Share Registry in writing.
Stock Exchange Listing
The Company’s shares are listed on the ASX. Details of share transactions and prices are published in the financial pages of daily capital city newspapers under the code PMM.
Electronic Announcements and Reports
Shareholders who wish to receive announcements made to the ASX, as well as electronic copies of the Annual Report and Half–Year Report, are invited to provide their email address to the Company. This can be completed by writing to the Company Secretary.
Removal from the printed Annual Report mailing list
Shareholders who do not wish to receive the printed Portman Limited Annual Report should advise the Share Registry in writing to remove their names from the mailing list. Those Shareholders will continue to receive all other Shareholder information.
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 100



Shareholder Information
(At 22 February 2006)
Change of name/address
Shareholders who are Issuer Sponsored should advise the Share Registry promptly of any change of name and/or address so that correspondence with them does not go astray. All such changes must be advised in writing and cannot be accepted by telephone.
Shareholders who are in CHESS and Broker Sponsored should instruct their sponsoring broker in writing to notify the Share Registry of any change of name and/or address.
In the case of all name changes the written advice must be supported by documentary evidence.
Tax File Number (TFN)
Whilst not compulsory, most Australian resident shareholders prefer to quote their TFN so as to avoid withholding tax being deducted from dividends which are unfranked.
Shareholders who are Issuer Sponsored should advise the Share Registry of their TFN.
Shareholders who are Broker Sponsored can either advise their sponsoring broker or the share Registry of their TFN.
TFN application forms can be obtained from the Share Registry on request.
Australian Business Number (ABN)
As from July 2000 Australian companies have the option to quote their ABN in lieu of their TFN to avoid withholding tax being deducted from dividends which are unfranked.
Consolidation of Shareholdings
Shareholders who wish to consolidate their separate shareholdings into one account should write to the Share Registry or their sponsoring broker, whichever is applicable.
Registered Office
Level 11, The Quadrant
1 William Street
  (08) 9426 3333    
  (618) 9426 3333    
  (08) 9426 3344    
  (618) 9426 3344    
Company Secretary
L A Kipfstuhl
Portman Limited Financial Statements 2005   Page 101