
ABN 22 007 871 892
Level 11
The Quadrant

1 William Street
Perth 6000
Western Australia
GPO Box W2017
Perth, 6001

61 8 9426 3333
61 8 9426 3344

30 April 2008

(8 pages in total)

The Announcements Officer
Australian Stock Exchange (Sydney) Limited
Level 10
20 Bond Street

Electronically Lodged

Dear Sir


Please find attached Portman’s Quarterly Report for the period ended 31 March 2008.

Yours faithfully

/s/ C. M. Rainsford
CM Rainsford
Company Secretary




A.B.N. 22 007 871 892

31 MARCH 2008



  Portman acquired 14.52% of Golden West Resources in April 2008.

  Communication with Government is taking place in order to attempt to clear up uncertainties related to pending environmental policy in the Yilgarn.

Koolyanobbing Project

  Due to the rail restriction related to the re-sleepering, a decision has been made to reduce mining during 2008, in order to deplete healthy levels of ROM stocks by year end.

  An assessment of the plant will be performed, in order to be certain that an output of 8.5Mtpa from Q3 2009 is sustainable.

  Despite the severe restriction created by the re-sleepering, cooperation between Portman, ARG and WNR has been steadily improving. Several innovative approaches are being brought to fruition in this key area at present.

  Steady implementation of various programmes aimed at raising organisational capability continues. As one example, the logic of multiple blending of products has been simplified significantly as a logical step beyond the rationalisation of products that took place in 2007.

Cockatoo Island Project

  BetfredGood progress with phase 3 mining of the existing deposit is being made. A final recommendation on this project will be presented to the Board during Q2.

  Latest schedules indicate mining on phase 2 will cease by end June 08, with shipping continuing till end of July.


A.B.N. 22 007 871 892

    1.1.Koolyanobbing Project
    1.1.1.     Production
          Production and shipments for the quarter were as follows:
    Actual   Actual   Actual
    Mar Qtr 2008   2008   Mar Qtr 2007
Waste: (bcm)
    503,396       503,396       401,496  
Mt Jackson
    266,000       266,000       189,120  
    1,924,654       1,924,654       2,885,046  
Total Waste
    2,694,050       2,694,050       3,475,662  
Ore Mined: (wmt)
    337,965       337,965       635,065  
Mt Jackson
    633,300       633,300       541,450  
    392,725       392,725       979,880  
Total Ore Mined
    1,363,990       1,363,990       2,156,395  
Ore Processed: (wmt)
    808,462       808,462       853,542  
    1,020,815       1,020,815       941,430  
Total Ore Processed
    1,829,277       1,829,277       1,794,972  
Ore Railed: (wmt)
    789,058       789,058       833,099  
    1,075,753       1,075,753       933,512  
Total Ore Railed
    1,864,811       1,864,811       1,766,611  
Ore Shipped: (wmt)
    869,207       869,207       871,209  
    1,076,551       1,076,551       914,954  
Total Ore Shipped
    1,945,758       1,945,758       1,786,163  



Cockatoo Island Joint Venture (100%)

  1.2.1.   Production

Production and shipments for the quarter were as follows:

    Actual   Actual   Actual
    Mar Qtr 2008   2008   Mar Qtr 2007
Waste (bcm)
    64,138       64,138    
Ore Mined (wmt)
    182,393       182,393       191,943  
Ore Produced (wmt)
    256,219       256,219       294,585  
Ore Shipped (wmt)
    295,495       295,495       274,976  

1.3. Exploration

1.3.1. Summary

Drilling during the quarter included additional resource definition drilling at the Koolyanobbing A and K deposits, further delineation of the Windarling W10 deposit and reconnaissance testing of 3 targets at Mt Finnerty.

1.3.2. Koolyanobbing Project Area

A summary of drilling activity for the quarter is as follows:

Prospect   Type   No holes   Metres
A   RC   2   210
K   RC   4   360
Mount Finnerty   RC   21   1560

    J2 West Prospect – betfred sportsbook5 holes returned significant Fe mineralisation from an 8 RC hole programme completed during the December quarter. Both drilling results and field mapping has indicated that mineralisation is structurally controlled. Additional drilling is required to better define mineralisation extent and orientation.

    W10 Prospect – A second round of drilling during the coming quarter is scheduled for this prospect based on significant Fe mineralisation being returned from first round drilling of a 14 hole programme completed during December 2007.

    A Deposit – 2 holes were completed to test S mineralisation within the proposed pit design.

    K Deposit – four holes were completed to determine the spatial extent of talc material along the footwall of the K ore zone. A new interpretation of the footwall contact will be completed during quarter two to assist with pit design modifications.


Highlights of analytical results received during the reporting period include the following significant intercepts:

PROJECT   HOLE_ID   FROM   Intercept   P   S   Al2O3   SiO2   LOI
                            -   -                        
  APRC094     18.00     27.0 m @ 59.26 % Fe     0.32       0.71       1.50       3.54       6.83  
  APRC095     57.00     13.0 m @ 58.91 % Fe     0.04       1.05       1.04       4.80       7.44  
            74.00     11.0 m @ 59.84 % Fe     0.30       1.54       0.16       1.40       9.07  
    W10RC001       6.00     11.0 m @ 61.80 % Fe     0.14       0.13       1.24       2.97       6.62  
    W10RC013       64.00     11.0 m @ 59.94 % Fe     0.23       0.20       0.74       2.77       9.55  

Gravity Surveys were completed over several target areas in the Koolyanobbing project area. Surveys were focused over concealed banded iron formation north and south of the K deposit in areas of structural complexity as determined from airborne magnetics. Data is currently being interpreted and will Betfredbe followed up later in the year with a programme of RAB and RC drilling.

Botanical surveys have commenced over planned RC drill sites along the Koolyanobbing Range.

1.3.3. Mt Finnerty Joint Venture

Assay results from selected rotary air blast (RAB) and air core (AC) drill holes through iron rich drainage channels were received during the quarter. All assays were below the 58% Fe cut off applied to bedded mineralisation. Several samples have been submitted for sighter metallurgical testing to assess whether this material would be amenable to simple beneficiation. Preliminary results from a series of screened assays indicate that most of the iron is in the coarser size fractions.

Drilling was completed over three targets namely FIN9, FIN10 and FIN11. Assay results are awaited.

Gravity traversing was completed over an area of structural complexity in Banded Iron Formations. Follow up drilling is being considered.

Botanical surveys were completed over prospective iron rich channels and RAB drilling is planned for the second quarter of the year.

  1.3.4   Cape Lambert Joint Venture

No field work was carried out during the quarter.


1.3.5. Perrinvale Project

Fieldwork commenced during the quarter with semi regional and detailed mapping and rock chip sampling carried out over areas of surface iron enriched banded iron formation. Drilling of number of targets delineated in earlier work is due to commence early in the second quarter.

Reconnaissance RAB drilling is planned over targets over concealed banded iron formation for the second and third quarters of the year.

  1.3.6   Airborne Magnetic Surveys

Surveys were completed early in the quarter over a number of key exploration target areas. Some preliminary results have been obtained but final results of the surveys are still awaited.

1.3.7 Cockatoo Island

Hematite rich sandstones adjacent to the main orebody betfred reviewshave been identified as being potentially suited as feed for a beneficiation project thereby possibly extending the life of the Cockatoo Island operation.

Botanical clearances have been obtained over planned drill sites and site preparation and drilling are planned for the second quarter.

1.3.8 Exploration Expenditure

    Actual   Actual   Actual
    Mar Qtr 2008   2008   Mar Qtr 2007
Exploration Expenditure
Koolyanobbing Iron Ore Project
    2,022,552       2,022,552       818,505  
Cockatoo Island Iron Ore Project (100%)
    37,899       37,899       33,112  

The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Mr DC Fielding, who is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM).  Mr Fielding is an employee of Portman Limited.  Mr Fielding has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’.  Mr Fielding consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.



Total residual foreign exchange cover for the Portman Group at 31 March 2008 was US $627.92M.  


YEAR   2008   2009   2010   TOTAL
Face Value US$M
    373.42       175.00       79.50       627.92  
Weighted Avg “Worst” Case Hedge Rate
    0.8647       0.8617       0.8847       0.8664  

  Up to 12 months maturity: 

  Uncommitted Hedging:
Committed Hedging:

  Minimum 40% Maximum 90% of forecast USD sales
Maximum 90% of forecast USD sales

  12 to 24 months maturity:
  Uncommitted Hedging:
Committed Hedging:
  Minimum 20% Maximum 75% of forecast USD sales
Maximum 30% of forecast USD sales
  25 to 36 months maturity: 
  Uncommitted Hedging:
Committed Hedging:
  Minimum 10% Maximum 50% of forecast USD sales
Maximum 20% of forecast USD sales


A.B.N. 22 007 871 892


betfred reviewsCorporate Information

Joseph Carrabba
Richard Mehan
David Gunning
Donald Gallagher
William Calfee
Laurie Brlas
Michael Perrott
Malcolm Macpherson
Managing Director
Independent Director
Independent Director

Company Secretary

Christopher Hunt
Caroline Rainsford  

Registered Office

Level 11, The Quadrant
1 William Street
Perth  6000

Telephone:        (08) 9426 3333
Facsimile:         (08) 9426 3344  

Internet site:      www.portman.com.au  

At 31 March 2008 there were 175,690,073 Ordinary shares on issue.  

Substantial Shareholders as at 31 March 2008

Cliffs Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd

Reporting Calendar  

Anticipated release dates for information in 2008 and other important anticipated dates
are as follows:

Quarterly Earnings Report – March 2008
  Early May 2008
Annual General Meeting
  21 May 2008
Quarterly Report – June 2008
  Late July 2008
Half Yearly Report — 2008
  Late August 2008